Contenido principal del artículo
Academic cheating is an action individuals take to achieve success in ways that are not right. Academic cheating is often done, ranging from basic educational institutions to universities or students. Educators must have morals to reduce the actions of Academic Cheating that often occurs at the education level. Guilt and Shame Proneness determines unethical behavior, such as whether academic cheating will occur. This study aims to determine the effect of Guilt and Shame Proneness on Academic Cheating in students of primary school teacher education study programs. The current study assessed academic dishonesty among college students in primary school teacher education programs. Two hundred and eight participants self-reported cheating behavior and completed the Guilt and Shame Proneness Scale. The regression test results for the influence of Guilt and Shame Proneness on Academic Cheating obtained a probability value of sig. (p) = 0.000 (p<0.05) so that the hypothesis is accepted: Guilt and Shame Proneness significantly influence Academic Cheating. R-square value = 0, 075 means that Academic Cheating effectively contributes 7.5% to guilt. The importance of moral inculcation in student-teacher candidates must be considered to prevent unethical behavior.
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Cómo citar
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