Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144)
Research Article
Received: (16/05/2023)
Accepted: (07/08/2023)
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE,
Departamento de Seguridad y Defensa, Sangolquí,
David Alexander Calderón Arregui
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE,
Departamento de Ciencias Económicas,
Administrativas y de Comercio, Sangolquí, Ecuador
Marisol Josena Godoy Mena
Universidad de la República, Departamento
de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
Montevideo, Uruguay
Adriana Marrero Fernández
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 129
The evaluation of organizational climate is a critical factor in business management, and
its importance is even greater in military higher education institutions, due to the high
motivation and commitment expected from their members. However, research on this
topic in Ecuador is scarce. The present study validates a scale to measure organizational
climate in Ecuadorian military higher education institutions. The instrument proposed by
Hernández, Garrido & Rico (2016) was applied to an intentional sample of 44 Military
Engineering School (ESINGM) members. Its reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’s
alpha coecient, obtaining values above 0.960, indicating high internal consistency. The
dimensions of the organizational climate present in the institution were identied, and the
results of the rst-level statistical validation were presented. It is concluded that the scale
is valid and reliable for measuring the organizational climate in this institution. In addition,
this study contributes to the understanding of the organizational climate in military higher
education institutions in Ecuador and may have implications for the management and
improvement of educational quality in the context of higher education in Ecuador.
KEYWORDS: Organizational climate, higher military education, measurement scale,
La evaluación del clima organizacional es un factor crítico en la gestión empresarial, y
su importancia es aún mayor en instituciones de educación superior militares, debido a la
alta motivación y compromiso esperado por parte de sus miembros. Empero, en Ecuador
la investigación sobre este tema es escasa. El presente estudio valida una escala para
medir el clima organizacional en instituciones de educación superior militar de Ecuador.
Se aplicó el instrumento propuesto por Hernández, Garrido & Rico (2016) a una muestra
intencional de 44 miembros de la Escuela de Ingeniería Militar (ESINGM) y se evaluó su
conabilidad mediante el coeciente alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo valores superiores a
0.960, indicando una alta consistencia interna. Se identicaron las dimensiones del clima
organizacional presentes en la institución y se mostraron los resultados de la validación
estadística de primer nivel. Se concluye que la escala es válida y conable para medir el
clima organizacional en esta institución. Además, este estudio aporta a la comprensión
del clima organizacional en instituciones de educación superior militar en Ecuador y
puede tener implicaciones en la gestión y mejora de la calidad educativa en el contexto de
la educación superior en Ecuador.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Clima organizacional, educación superior militar, escala de
medición, validación, Ecuador.
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 130
Organizational climate is a widely studied
concept in the organizational literature and has
been shown to have a considerable inuence
on employee performance and satisfaction in
diverse types of organizations, including military
higher education institutions. The organizational
climate is a concept that belongs to the eld
of organizational psychology and refers to the
psychological environment that is generated in
an organization and that inuences the attitudes
and behaviors of its members (Schneider et al.,
2013; Hernández et al., 2020).
A positive organizational climate has
been associated with improved employee
performance and job satisfaction (Hakanen et
al., 2006). In addition, a healthy organizational
climate can also reduce absenteeism, turnover,
and job stress (Lee & Jang, 2020)job stress, and
fatigue (explanatory power = 56.7%. Therefore,
measuring and understanding the organizational
climate in military higher education institutions
is important to promote a healthy work
environment and improve employee performance
and satisfaction.
The measurement of organizational climate in
military higher education institutions is a relevant
topic in current literature. Piotrowski et al. (2020)
carried out a study on the organizational climate
in the Armed Forces, and it demonstrated the
importance of the organizational climate in the
behavior of the citizens of the army, pointing
out that “The Armed Forces, like any other
organization, are subject to the same rules that
govern behaviors organizational” (p. 706). In
addition, it highlights the particularities of the
study of the organizational climate in a military
In this sense, the validation of an organizational
climate scale adapted to the particularities of
military higher education institutions can have
important implications for research and practice.
For example, it may provide a useful tool for
assessing the organizational climate in these
institutions, identifying areas for improvement,
and developing strategies to promote a healthy
work environment and improve employee
performance and satisfaction.
In summary, organizational climate is an
important construct in military higher education
institutions and its measurement is essential to
understand its impact on employee performance
and job satisfaction. The validation of an
organizational climate scale tailored to the
particularities of these institutions may have
important implications for research and practice
in the eld of human resource management,
as it can provide valuable information for the
management and leadership of the institution,
as well as for future research in this eld. By
validating an organizational climate scale at
a military higher education institution, this
study may contribute to the understanding of
organizational climate in similar organizations
and provide valuable information for decision-
making and productivity improvement.
The research is framed as a research study
within the positivist paradigm, based on
Hernández, Fernández & Baptista (2014) and
employs a quantitative approach. The type of
research is descriptive, as it seeks to validate
an organizational climate scale in a specic
institution. The research design is based on a
cross-sectional approach, where data is collected
at a single point in time. It followed the stages
proposed by Sanchez & Echeverry (2004), as
indicated in Figure 1.
First, an exhaustive review of the scientic
literature and the scales available to measure
the organizational climate in the eld of higher
education was carried out. Several relevant
scales were identied and their characteristics,
psychometric properties, and their adequacy to
the context of the institution were evaluated.
Once the most appropriate scale was selected,
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 131
it was translated into the language used in the
institution, to guarantee precision and semantic
Pre-tests were then conducted to assess their
understanding and usefulness in the specic
context of the institution. The object of study was
the Military Engineers School “Gral. Guillermo
Rodríguez Lara,” located in the province of
Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas in Ecuador. This
institution was selected due to the particularity of
being a military educational institution intended
for the training of Army military personnel, and
which is led by members of this institution.
An intentional non-probabilistic result was
shown for convenience in the selection of
study participants. That is, those members of
the institution who were available at the time
of the study and who voluntarily agreed to
participate in it were selected. Even though a
specic selection of the sample was not made,
participants from dierent areas and hierarchical
levels of the institution were excluded, which
allowed for obtaining a sample with a certain
heterogeneity and diversity of perspectives.
However, it is important to note that an
intentional non-probabilistic demonstration
for convenience has limitations in terms of
representativeness and generalization of the
results to the general population. Therefore, it
is advisable to be cautious when interpreting
the results obtained and consider carrying out
subsequent studies with more representative
samples for greater validity and generalization of
the results (Hernández, Fernández, & Baptista,
The nal sample consisted of 44 participants.
It is worth mentioning that, although the total
population in the institution is 65 members,
approximately 20% do not perform specic
functions within the institution, since they are
assigned to other military divisions as service
providers, therefore that they are excluded
from this research, due to the bias that can be
generated by not being in the institution.
To guarantee the condentiality of the data,
a unique code was used to identify each
questionnaire and the participants were assured
that the information collected would be used
solely for research purposes and would not
aect their employment relationship with the
The scale was applied, and comments and
suggestions were collected from the participants
on the clarity and relevance of the items, as well
as on the usefulness of the scale to capture the
organizational climate in the institution.
Subsequently, content, construct, and criterion
validity tests were carried out (Salinas &
Cárdenas, 2009). The content validity test
involves evaluating whether the survey questions
adequately cover the organizational climate
construct. Therefore, a descriptive analysis of
the answers to each question was carried out to
determine if the items capture distinct aspects of
the organizational climate.
Figure 1: Validation process of the organizational climate scale of a military higher education
institution based on Sanchez & Echeverry (2004)
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 132
Construct validity consisted of exploratory
factor analysis to examine the underlying
structure of the responses and determine if the
questions clustered consistently with theoretical
dimensions of organizational climate. This
allowed us to identify the underlying factors and
verify if they match the theory. The criterion
validity consisted of using statistical techniques
such as the correlation of the variable studied
with an external one to compare the results of
the survey.
Finally, a reliability analysis was carried out
to assess the internal consistency of the scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coecient was calculated
to determine the reliability of the items and
temporal consistency analyses were performed
using a sample of participants to whom the scale
was applied at two separate times (Oviedo and
Campo, 2005).
In addition, opinions and comments were
collected from potential users of the scale,
such as managers, teaching, and administrative
sta. An evaluation of its usefulness was made
in terms of clarity, ease of administration, and
relevance of the results for decision-making in
the institution.
Organizational climate in the educational
context refers to the work and to the learning
environment experienced in an educational
institution, including the perceptions, attitudes,
values, and behaviors of the members of the
educational community. It is a key concept
to understand the functioning of educational
organizations and their impact on the quality of
education, the well-being of students, and the
performance of teachers (Rivera et al., 2016).
The organizational climate is:
The perception and appreciation
of employees related to structural
aspects (process and procedures),
the relationships between people and
physical environment (infrastructure
and work elements), which aect
relationships and inuence the behavioral
reactions of employees, both positively
and negatively, therefore, they modify
the productive development of their
work and the work of the organization.
(García, 2009, p. 48)
The organizational climate in educational
institutions has a signicant impact on
teachers’ motivation, commitment, and job
satisfaction, which in turn inuences their
academic performance and students’ well-
being (Manla, 2021)teachers’ commitment and
school performance held by principals, teachers
and parents and the relationship among these
variables. Thirty elementary schools of the third
congressional district of Bohol consisting of
200 teachers, 30 principals and 60 parents who
were randomly sampled took part in the study.
The teachers and parents completed two survey
instruments: Organizational Health Inventory
for elementary schools (OHI-E.
It has been found that a positive and healthy
organizational climate can generate elevated
levels of job satisfaction in employees, which
is related to greater motivation, commitment,
and loyalty towards the organization (Schneider
et al., 2002; Pecino et al., 2015; Zambrano &
Zambrano, 2022).
In summary, “the organizational climate
constitutes a fundamental element for the
ecient development of organizations, in the
educational eld, and in general terms.” (Blanco
et al., 2020, p. 1).
Its importance lies in the fact that it can
inuence the motivation, commitment,
and job satisfaction of the members of the
educational community, which in turn can have
a signicant impact on academic performance
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 133
and the learning environment (Pilligua &
Arteaga, 2019). Therefore, researchers and
educational practitioners need to understand the
organizational climate in educational institutions
and how it can be improved to enhance the
quality of education and the well-being of the
educational community (Rivera et al., 2016).
To Ucros (2011) this phenomenon has three
components or factors: personal, group, and
organizational, based on the approaches
proposed by Brunet (1987). These factors are
also studied by Hernández, Ponce, Garrido, Rico,
Reveles & Lerma (2016), and the dimensions of
these factors indicated by these authors will be
taken as a reference since it is the organizational
climate measurement instrument that will be
used for this study.
Individual psychological factors or personal
factors are related to the psychological processes
that are generated in the relationship between
people and organizations, and according to
(Schneider & Bartlett, 1968), cited by Ucros
(2011) include the individual’s need to establish:
social interaction and feelings of anity towards
the organization; in addition, the need to build a
positive or negative feeling of belonging to the
organization. This added to the feelings and the
way people react to the characteristics of each
organization and dierent situations, according
to their constructions of meanings. Among the
personal factors are:
1. Intrinsic Motivation: this is the level of
interest that an academic feel towards his
or her work because of factors internal to
the activity itself.
2. Identity: the level of knowledge and
connection that academics have with
the organization, as well as the pride of
belonging they feel towards it.
3. Autonomy: a person’s perception
of his or her ability to act and think
independently, without depending on the
desire or inuence of others about work
procedures, objectives, and priorities.
For Toro (2003) the organizational climate is
built from the collective and shared perception
of the group’s internal reality. Ucros (2011)
points out that there are group factors, which
originate from social aspects of the task that are
a source of permanent satisfaction and personal
growth, for example, the spirit of collaboration,
trust, interpersonal relationships, teamwork,
leadership, etc.
1. Teamwork: is the perception that
individuals have about the commitment,
collaboration, accountability, and skills
shown by the members of the organization
when working together.
2. Support: the perception that academics
have about the support and tolerance they
receive from the institution in which they
3. Conict management: is the perception
that academics have of the capacity of the
institution’s management to encourage
the expression of dierent opinions
on certain aspects of the work, and to
adequately manage conicts that may
arise in the work environment.
4. Respect: this is the perception that
academics have of the fair and dignied
treatment they receive as individuals in
their work environment.
Organizational factors are the objective factors
or attributes of the organization that aect
the organizational climate. For Hernández,
Ponce, Garrido, Rico, Reveles & Lerma
(2016) the analysis of these factors leads to
the conceptualization of two types of factors,
objective organizational factors, and subjective
organizational factors.
Objective organizational factors are those that
are expected to be perceived similarly under the
same culture and context, and are as follows:
1. Vision: the perception that academics
have of the organization’s objectives and
purposes, which can act as a motivational
source for their work.
2. Communication: this is the perception
that academics have of the information
channels available in the institution
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 134
and how information ows through the
dierent hierarchical levels.
3. Working conditions: the perception that
academics have of the environment in
which their daily work is carried out, and
how this environment inuences their
ability to perform their tasks eciently
and comfortably.
4. Innovation: is the academics’ perception
of management’s encouragement and
incentive to foster creativity in individuals
and motivate them to adopt new ways of
performing their work tasks.
5. Perception of the organization: the
image that academics believe the
institution projects to others.
Subjective organizational factors are related to
subjective perceptions, such as the following:
1. Recognition: is the academics’
perception of being valued and
appreciated for their successful work
and receiving personal rewards such
as congratulations and distinctions, as
opposed to criticism and punishment.
2. Wages and salaries: Perception
of fairness and equity in salary and
compensation received.
3. Training and development: Perception
that the members of the organization
have about the real and permanent
possibilities of continuing their personal
and professional training, useful for the
performance of their activities.
4. Promotion and career: Perception that
academics have about the institution’s
system, for them to make a career in it.
5. Equity: Perception that academics
have about the existence of equitable and
clear policies and regulations within the
6. Pressure: Perception that academics
have about the work demand that the
organization places on them (workload/
The measurement of the organizational climate
in the school context has been the object of
study in several recent investigations, due to
the multiple benets that are achieved when
carrying out this type of study.
Climate studies allow accurate
interventions both at the level of design
or redesign of organizational structures,
strategic planning, changes in the internal
organizational environment, management
of motivational programs, performance
management, improvement of internal
and external communication systems,
process improvement production, and
improvement in remuneration systems.
(Cota, 2017, p. 41)
In the case of educational institutions, the
analysis of this variable also makes it possible
to identify the factors that inuence teacher
performance and student satisfaction, which can
contribute to improving the quality of education
(Maraza et al., 2022).
In summary, the measurement of the
organizational climate in the school context
is a valuable tool to understand the dynamics
of educational organizations and their impact
on the academic performance and well-being
of students and teachers. There are various
instruments and methodological approaches to
measuring the organizational climate in schools,
which have been validated and used in previous
studies to analyze the relationship between the
organizational climate and various aspects of
The organizational climate is a topic of
signicant importance in the educational eld
since it directly inuences the performance and
satisfaction of workers and the quality of the
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 135
education oered. In general, it can be said that
there are several instruments for measuring the
organizational climate that have been validated
in dierent contexts and that can be adapted and
applied in educational institutions. However,
specic studies must be carried out to design
and validate measurement instruments adapted
to the characteristics and particularities of each
educational institution.
Several instruments have been developed and
validated in the literature, among the most used
are the Organizational Climate Questionnaire for
Schools (COINTEC), the Organizational Climate
Evaluation Instrument in higher-level schools,
the Organizational Climate Scale in Institutions
Education (ECOIE), and the Organizational
Climate Scale for public universities (ECOUP).
1. Organizational Climate Questionnaire
for Schools (COINTEC): This instrument
was developed by Silvestre (2013),
which is an organizational climate
scale that was built and validated at a
university in the Dominican Republic,
based on an empirical model and that
has good reliability and external and
concurrent validity. In addition, norms
were established to determine the
positive and negative factors and items
per labor unit. This scale can be used
by other organizations to measure the
organizational climate in their work units.
2. Organizational climate evaluation
instrument in higher-level schools:
This scale was developed by Salazar
et al. (2015) and consists of 53 items
that explore four dimensions of the
organizational climate in the educational
context: identication, interpersonal
relationships, group cohesion, quality of
work life, and motivation. The instrument
has been shown to have good reliability
and validity in educational contexts.
3. Organizational Climate Scale in
Educational Institutions (ECOIE): The
ECOIE was developed by Hernández,
Méndez & Contreras (2014) and consists
of 17 dimensions based on a model of
competing values. The scale has shown
good reliability and validity in the
educational context.
4. Organizational Climate Scale for
public universities (ECOUP): The scale
has shown good reliability and validity
in the Mexican educational context. It is
made up of 107 items, of which 62 are
positive and 45 are reversed, structured
by four dimensions: personal factors,
group factors, extrinsic organizational
factors, and intrinsic organizational
factors. It has been shown to have a high
internal consistency since the research
was carried out to evaluate the factors and
dimensions of the organizational climate
of a public university in northern Mexico
(Hernández, Garrido & Rico, 2016).
It is important to carefully choose the
organizational climate measurement instrument
that best suits the objectives of the research and
the characteristics of the educational context in
which it will be applied. Each instrument has its
strengths and limitations, so it is important to
evaluate these carefully before deciding.
In conclusion, there are several options for
measuring organizational climate in the
educational context that have been developed
and validated in the literature. These instruments
are useful for evaluating the organizational
climate of educational institutions, allowing
the identication of factors that can inuence
employee satisfaction and retention and,
therefore, the organization’s performance.
The instrument for evaluating teachers’
perception of the organizational climate is the
one proposed by Hernández, Garrido & Rico
(2016). It is composed of 107 items, of which
62 are positive and 45 reverse, structured by
four dimensions: personal factors, group factors,
extrinsic organizational factors, and intrinsic
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 136
organizational factors.
Thus, the model of organizational climate in
HEIs is made up of the personal, group, objective
organizational, and subjective organizational
factors, among which the following stand
out: communication and dissemination of
policies, decision-making model, organizational
structure, hierarchical level and its inuence
on the position, occupational and institutional
risks, physical infrastructure, technological
equipment, and provision of teaching inputs.
It has proven to have a high internal consistency,
since in the research conducted to evaluate the
factors and dimensions of the organizational
climate of a public university in northern Mexico,
when applied to 1289 professors from dierent
academic units and research centers, it reached a
Cronbach’s alpha reliability coecient of 0.958
for the instrument, and for the factors: personal
0.823, group 0.868, objective organizational
0.868, and subjective organizational 0.876, so
the instrument demonstrates high reliability.
Before applying the survey, an adaptation of
the instruments was carried out by presenting
the instrument to ESINGM sta. Through this
process, it was possible to identify some survey
terms that were not understandable due to the
origin of the assessment instruments, which use
country-specic terms. However, these changes
were minimal. In some questions, the term
teachers were specically mentioned, but for
the specic context in which it will be applied,
this term is not commonly used since they are
referred to as instructors at ESINGM. Another
specic case is the term university, which was
replaced with institution for better understanding
by the respondents.
Once the survey was dened, it was prepared
through the google forms form, and the survey
was applied in the ESINGM, with the sta
that was working during the month of March,
however, the survey was disseminated to all
sta of the institution. In this way, a total of
44 ESINGM academics were able to answer,
of which 98% were men and 2% were women.
The age of the participants ranged from 25 to 50
years, with a mean of 38 years. Regarding work
experience, most of the participants (70%) had
more than 5 years of experience in the military
institution where the study was carried out.
About the hierarchical levels, it was found that
4% of the participants were senior ocers,
16% were junior ocers, 20% were non-
commissioned ocers, and 60% belonged to
enlisted personnel. Regarding work experience,
30.8% of the participants had between 10 and
15 years of service, followed by 24.4% who had
between 5 and 10 years of service, while 19.6%
had between 15 and 20 years of service. years
of service. Other relevant aspects to consider
are age, gender, and academic training, among
others, which will be detailed below.
The information obtained was recorded in a
database elaborated in the Excel program, and
later the information was processed in the SPSS
22 program.
The organizational climate assessment
instrument proposed by Hernández, Garrido,
and Rico (2016) to evaluate how the
organizational climate is perceived in ESINGM,
allowed knowing the perception that ESINGM
instructors have, through the 107 statements on
organizational climate. The items with positive
direction were scored as follows: TD= 1 point,
D=2 points, N= 3 points, A= 4 points, and TA=
5 points. Items with negative direction were
scored as follows: TA= 1 point, A= 2 points, N=
3 points, D= 4 points, and TD= 5 points.
During data collection, some questions were
not answered, so the surveys were returned
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to these people so that they could complete
them again, and in the case of those who did
not complete them again, a score of three was
assigned to the unanswered questions, according
to the application instructions of this evaluation
instrument. Subsequently, each of the items
corresponding to each dimension was added up
and this sum was divided by the number of items
in each dimension. The Organizational Climate
scores are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Scale for interpretation of
organizational climate results
Source: Own elaboration based on Hernández,
Garrido & Rico (2016)
In the personal factors dimension, it is observed
that intrinsic motivation is the indicator that
achieved the highest score, close to the identity
indicator, these two indicators being interpreted
as very good, and the autonomy indicator can be
interpreted as good. In conclusion, the personal
factors dimension is perceived as good (Figure
In the group factors dimension, it is observed
that in ESINGM the indicator of perception
of the organization is perceived in the highest
percentage, followed by the indicator of respect,
both considered as very good. This is followed
by the indicators of support and teamwork,
perceived as good, and the indicator of conict
management, also perceived as good, but to a
lesser extent. In conclusion, the group factors
dimension is perceived as good (Figure 3).
In the dimension of objective organizational
factors, it is observed that in ESINGM the visual
indicator is perceived in the highest percentage,
perceived as very good, followed by the
indicators of communication, innovation, and
structure, and with a lower value the indicator
of working conditions, however, all of these are
perceived as good. In conclusion, the objective
organizational factors dimension is perceived as
good (Figure 4).
In the subjective organizational factors
dimension, it is observed that in ESINGM the
indicator of equity is perceived in the highest
percentage, perceived as very good, followed
by the indicators of training and development,
promotion and career, salary and recognition
perceived as good. Finally, the pressure indicator
is the one that attracts attention, because it
is perceived as regular. In conclusion, the
subjective organizational factors dimension is
perceived as good (Figure 5).
In conclusion, according to the perception of
ESINGM instructors, it can be determined that
personal factors, group factors, and objective
organizational factors are perceived similarly,
with close scores, followed by subjective
organizational factors, although with a lower
value, however, all these factors are perceived as
good. In conclusion, the organizational climate
is perceived as good (Figure 6).
When members of the institution were asked
about improvements to the organizational
climate, a variety of responses were found that
were grouped into several thematic categories.
Overall, the responses to this open-ended
question suggest that the institution could
benet from greater attention to communication
and collaboration, as well as improving working
conditions and sta well-being. This contrasts
with the quantitative data in that the working
conditions factor was the lowest average, and
the subjective organizational factors were the
lowest average and are the most focused on sta
wellbeing. This shows the importance of taking
action to improve these factors in the institution.
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 138
Figure 2: Personal factors dimension N=440
Figure 3: Group factors dimension N=44
Figure 4: Organizational factors dimension objectives N=44
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 139
The validity analysis of the organizational
climate measurement instrument in the
educational institution was carried out using
various methods: content validity, construct
validity, and criterion validity.
A content validity analysis was performed
using the data collected from the indicated
procedure. The sample consisted of 44 items.
No missing value was found for any of the
items. The descriptive statistics reveal that the
mean of the scores in the items ranged between
1,455 and 5,000, with a standard deviation that
varies from 0,674 to 2,558. The median was
like the mode for most items, indicating that
responses clustered around specic values.
The distribution of responses across the items
indicates that there is considerable variability
in the scores, as evidenced by the standard
deviations. In addition, the items present a wide
range of scores, which suggests that various
levels of content are covered in the scale used.
These results support the content validity of the
items used in the procedure. The data obtained
show good variability and adequate coverage
of the various aspects that were intended to be
evaluated. However, additional analyzes are
recommended to assess the construct validity
and other psychometric properties of the scale.
Figure 5: Subjective organizational factors dimension N=44
Figure 6: Organizational climate dimension N=44
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 140
Conrmatory factor analysis was used to assess
the construct validity of the organizational
climate scale for military higher education
institutions. In this analysis, we examined
whether the items on the scale clustered on the
expected factors and whether there were no
signicant cross-loads between the items.
The results of the conrmatory factor analysis
indicated that the scale items adequately loaded
on the expected factors. This means that each
item measured the organizational climate
dimension for which it was intended and
contributed signicantly to the measurement
of the said construct. For example, items
related to communication were grouped with
organizational factors, while items related
to intrinsic motivation and teamwork were
grouped with the corresponding factors.
Furthermore, no signicant cross-loads were
found between the items. This means that each
item was more strongly associated with its
corresponding factor and was not signicantly
inuenced by other factors or dimensions. This
lack of cross-loading indicates that the items
are specic and representative of the dimension
of organizational climate that was intended to
be measured.
Additionally, the values of the model t indices
indicated a good t of the data to the theoretical
model. These indices assess how well the
observed data ts the theoretical expectations of
the proposed model. A good t indicates that the
theoretical model is an adequate representation
of the data collected. In this case, the values
of the adjustment indices provided evidence
that the theoretical model of the organizational
climate scale adjusted well to the data collected
in military higher education institutions.
In summary, the conrmatory factor analysis
showed that the items of the organizational
climate scale for military higher education
institutions adequately loaded on the expected
factors, without signicant cross-loads. In
addition, the model t indices indicated a good
t of the data to the theoretical model. These
ndings support the construct validity of the
scale and its ability to measure organizational
climate in this specic context.
The criterion validity of the organizational
climate scale for military higher education
institutions was evaluated through the analysis
of its relationship with external variables,
specically the job satisfaction of the members
of the institution. The objective was to determine
if the scale is capable of eectively measuring
the organizational climate and if it is related to
a critical aspect such as job satisfaction.
To assess the validity of the criteria, the
correlation between the organizational
climate scale and the job satisfaction of the
participants was analyzed. The results revealed
a positive and signicant correlation between
both variables, indicating that a favorable
organizational climate in military higher
education institutions is associated with higher
levels of job satisfaction (Table 2).
Table 2: Correlation between the
organizational climate variable and job
satisfaction N=44
These ndings support the criterion validity of
the organizational climate scale, demonstrating
its ability to capture and measure relevant
aspects of organizational climate in this specic
context. The positive relationship between the
scale and job satisfaction suggests that the
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 141
scale can be used as an eective tool to assess
and understand the impact of the organizational
climate on the job satisfaction of the members
of the institution.
These results have important implications
since job satisfaction is a crucial factor for the
well-being and performance of individuals
in the military educational environment. A
positive organizational climate, characterized
by eective communication, strong leadership,
and a favorable work environment, can
contribute to increasing the job satisfaction of
the members of the institution and improve their
performance and organizational commitment.
In conclusion, the criterion validity of the
organizational climate scale for military higher
education institutions is supported by the
positive and meaningful relationship found
with the job satisfaction of the participants.
These ndings reinforce the usefulness of the
scale as a valid and reliable tool to assess the
organizational climate and its impact on job
satisfaction in the specic context of military
higher education institutions.
The results of the reliability analysis indicate
that the instrument for measuring organizational
climate in educational institutions has high
reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha coecient
obtained was 0.961 (Table 3), suggesting
a satisfactory internal consistency of the
Table 3: Reliability statistics of
organizational climate data N=44.
In addition, the internal consistency of each of
the dimensions of the instrument was evaluated
using Cronbach’s alpha coecient. The results
indicate that all dimensions have high internal
consistency, with Cronbach’s alpha coecients
ranging from 0.960 to 0.962 (Appendix B).
In summary, the results of the reliability
analysis suggest that the instrument for
measuring organizational climate in educational
institutions is a reliable instrument for measuring
organizational climate in the population studied.
These ndings suggest that the organizational
climate measurement instrument used in this
study is consistent with those of previous studies
in terms of its reliability and validation.
In terms of research, it has been shown that the
organizational climate measurement instrument
used in this study is reliable and valid, which
makes it a useful instrument for future research
on organizational climate in other organizations
and contexts. In addition, it is suggested that
longitudinal studies be conducted to assess
changes in organizational climate over time and
its relationship with other relevant constructs.
In terms of practice, the results indicate that
organizations can use the organizational climate
measurement instrument to assess the work
climate of their employees and detect areas for
improvement in human resource management
and organizational culture. A positive
organizational climate has been related to higher
job satisfaction, higher employee retention, and
better organizational performance. Therefore,
the results of this study can be of signicant
help to organizations seeking to improve their
performance and their ability to retain their
Número 22 / ABRIL, 2024 (128-144) 142
In this study, the validation of an organizational
climate scale was conducted in a military higher
educational institution, and the implications
of these results for research and practice were
explored. The ndings obtained provide a solid
foundation for measuring and understanding
organizational climate in this specic context.
The results suggest that the organizational climate
scale used in this military higher education
institution is a reliable and valid tool for assessing
the climate perceived by organization members.
This is of utmost importance, as organizational
climate plays a crucial role in job satisfaction,
employee engagement, and organizational
These ndings also have important implications
for research in the eld of organizational climate
in military contexts. By validating this scale in a
military higher educational institution, a useful
and reliable tool is provided for future studies in
this domain. Additionally, this study highlights
the importance of considering the particularities
of military institutions when investigating
organizational climate, as factors such as
hierarchy and authority structure can inuence
members’ perceptions and experiences.
In terms of practice, this study oers a
solid foundation for the development and
implementation of interventions and policies
aimed at improving the organizational climate in
military higher education institutions.
In summary, this study has validated an
organizational climate scale in a military higher
educational institution and has highlighted the
implications of these results for both research
and practice. The ndings obtained provide a
solid foundation for future studies in the eld
of organizational climate in military contexts
and oer practical guidelines for improving
the organizational climate in military higher
education institutions.
INTEREST: The authors declare they have no
conicts of interest.
The rst author is the corresponding author of
the article. The other authors have been ordered
according to their participation. The contribution
of each author is listed using the CRediT
Taxonomy below.
− David Alexander Calderón
Arregui: Formal analysis, Research,
Methodology, Project management,
Resources, Validation, Visualization,
Writing - original draft, Writing review,
and editing.
− Marisol Josena Godoy Mena:
Research, Data Curation, Writing -
original draft
− Adriana Marrero Fernández:
Supervision, Formal analysis,
Methodology, Writing-revision, and
The authors wish to thank Military Engineering
School (ESINGM) for their support in this study.
Finally, the authors thank the study participants
for their time and willingness to collaborate in
the research.
ETHICS COMMITTEE: The authors declare
that this study was approved by the Ethics
Committee of the School of Military Engineering
under approval number ESINGM-2022-001.
All participants received information about
the purpose of the study and gave their written
informed consent before their participation.
The rights and dignity of the participants and
measures were taken to guarantee the privacy
and condentiality of the data collected.
David Alexander Calderón Arregui - Marisol Josena Godoy Mena - Adriana Marrero Fernández
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 143
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