Olga Isabel Reinoso Montoya
CHAKIÑAN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades / ISSN 2550 - 6722 199
and skills (Díaz, 2021).
In addition, Manzano (2015) highlights the use
and inuence of the CLIL method in Europe, as
a consequence, the motivation to carry out this
study arises, focusing on an extensive review of
the literature and scientic articles of specialized
journals related to the subject in order to know
the state of the art of the CLIL method in
primary education levels, and specically in the
formation of writing skills.
The present bibliographic review methodology
contains meaningful information about the
insertion, characteristics and development
of CLIL in educational institutions, since the
lack of knowledge about the background and
application of CLIL has aected heavily the
students´ progress and the teachers’ performance.
In this sense, essential bibliographic research
was carried out, based on the consultation of
current bibliographic sources, from databases,
books, journals and educational repositories. The
criteria adopted to gather the information was
objectivity, relevance, quality, points of view
and accuracy. In addition, theoretical methods
were applied for the analysis of the bibliography,
which allowed establishing interesting research,
ndings and valid conclusions, since the
systematic method of investigation was very
In this regard, it is important to convey that the
rst step to do this bibliographic review was
to identify supportive research background;
next, it was necessary to gather and verify the
applicability of the bibliography, then, the review
and development of the bibliographic study
took place. After that, it was essential to write
the main results and discuss about the ndings
that contributed to provide a meaningful insight
about the importance and relevance of the present
work. Finally, drawing some conclusions would
give the readers a better and broader perspective
of the use of CLIL in pedagogical practices.
Although CLIL methodology has a very limited
application in basic education, there are several
investigations regarding the CLIL methodology
that has contributed to carry out the present
The systematic bibliographic review contains
CLIL in dierent countries, its application and
the incidence of this methodology in Ecuador. In
this sense, it is worthy to highlight the relevance
that this methodology has in relation to the EFL
improvement. Some researches that contributed
to this review are mentioned below.
CLIL is adopted as a crucial methodology that
supports the improvement of language and
content by keeping in mind backgrounds and
culture. “To establish a wider context on CLIL
theory and practice, we read seminal and review
documents as well as the most cited works in
this eld” (Piacentini, 2021, p. 116).
It is also included that “CLIL programmes began
and became popular in the European context,
but today, they are spreading all over the world,
especially showing a growing interest for its
implementation in Asia and Latin America”
(Fajardo et al., 2020, p. 40).
In a research developed at the University of
Cádiz, Spain, Faculty of Education Sciences,
entitled CLIL, laying the foundations to work
with music in L2, Cancelas & Cancelas (2009)
researched and explained that there is some
interaction between English and music that
allows the learners to relate the content with
English language. In this sense, it was assumed
that the factors related to cultural competence
supports the foreign language, as well as the
linguistic skills together with the musical eld.
“AICLE pone énfasis en la “resolución de
problemas” y “saber hacer las cosas”. Los
estudiantes se sienten más motivados al poder
resolver problemas y hacer cosas, incluso en
otras lenguas” (Cancelas & Cancelas, 2009, p.
In another research carried out in Bogotá, in
2013 at the Javeriana University, Faculty of
Modern Languages, Dávila & Ramos (2013)
developed a research entitled Design of a model
workshop for the subject of Social Sciences in
French, it was applied to a group of 28 students
who belonged to 3rd grade of the Educational
Institution, La Candelaria and three teachers of