Número 17 / AGOSTO, 2022 (122-137) 134
or online games, through which constructive
environments are created in Experimental
Sciences” (Reyes, Reyes & Pérez 2016:22).
Students fully agree and agree to use the
experimental guides making use of simulators
and / or virtual laboratories to achieve learning
results that allow the linking of theory with
practice that contribute to meaningful learning.
The results show that the activities carried out
motivate students to inquire about the contents
covered in class, stimulate their participation
in the development of activities, but above all
contribute to the interpretation of conceptual and
procedural contents of the subjects developed in
the area of Chemistry.
Crocodile Chemistry605 and Yenka are
programs that must be previously installed and
are in the English language, which for some
students made their use dicult. But they
are virtual laboratories that give the student
freedom to carry out experimental activities
both those planned and also those that need to be
carried out considering the universal chemical
language. “There is a large amount of laboratory
material and equipment, allowing the design
and combination of simulation kits and even
obtaining graphics in real time” (Villa 2020:25).
From the constructivist conception of learning,
and in contrast to mechanical or rote learning,
it is assumed that meaningful learning is, in
itself, motivating because the student enjoys
doing the task or working, with these new
contents; understands what has been done and
gives meaning and application to what has been
learned, giving rise to an intrinsic motivation,
emerging a variety of satisfactory positive
emotions, that favor learning, for this reason,
“the use of interactive technological tools as a
support for teaching has generated demands for
strategies that facilitate and guide their use in
interactive distance education” (Arias, Sandia &
Mora 2012:22).
On the other hand, some researchers in
science teaching recognize and counteract
the eectiveness of virtual learning in the
sense that students do not always connect
with the authenticity of virtual laboratory
spaces (Hsu, Lin, & Yang 2017; Wu et
al., 2013). Payne (2005) also reported that
53% of students participating in a high
school study did not pass eLearning at all.
Other recorded disadvantages of virtual
learning included lack of technological
knowledge, loss of realism, and more
immersion in a virtual environment.
(Penn & Ramnarain 2019:90)
Learning with a specialized guide is “more
eective than that obtained by discovery with
a minimal guide” (Kirschner, Sweller & Clark
2006:75) where each activity leads to “promote
a more active, participatory and individualized
teaching, where the scientic method and critical
spirit are promoted, developing elementary skills
and techniques in the students” (Chasi 2017:11).
Before starting a laboratory practice with
simulators, it is necessary to plan the pedagogical
strategy; keep in mind a schedule with the
sequence of topics prior to using the simulator,
and establish objectives, abilities, skills and
capabilities that was wanted to develop in the
student. These recommendations have been
proposed by various authors (Reyes, Reyes &
Pérez 2016).
As it has been shown that the data do not come
from a normal distribution, the non-parametric
Kruskall Wallis test is selected; this test is used
to understand if academic performance diers
between the three types of virtual simulators,
(that is, its dependent variable “academic
performance” and its independent variable
“virtual simulators for learning chemistry in
times of pandemic”, with three independent
groups: PhET, Crocodile Chemistry605 and
Yenka simulators).
In this new era in education it is important, that
as teachers, we use innovative and dierent
didactic strategies in the classroom, a good option
is the use of ICTs, which allow us to “capture
the interest of students in topics they consider
dicult, boring and without practical cases in
media that they know and master perfectly, such
as the use of computer and technological tools”
(Rodríguez, Obaya & Vargas 2021:63).
The application of experimental guides using