Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96)
Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de
Educación, Departamento de Currículum e
Instrucción, Concepción, Chile.
Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de
Educación, Departamento de Currículum e
Instrucción, Concepción, Chile.
Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de
Educación, Departamento de Currículum e
Instrucción, Concepción, Chile.
Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de
Educación, Departamento de Currículum e
Instrucción, Concepción, Chile.
Claudio Díaz Larenas
Alan Felipe Jara Díaz
Yesenia Ester Rosales
María José Sanhueza
Artículo de Investigación
Assessment tends to be associated with students and learners; however, the
term assessment encompasses both teachers and students. To understand
the purpose of language assessment instruments, it is key to look for
the designers and their preferences. This research aims to characterize
209 assessment instruments created by English teachers. This is a non-
experimental and descriptive study that analyzes the types of instruments,
the educational level, the language systems and skills, and the type and
number of items. Two of the most important ndings are related to the
preferences Chilean English teachers have towards traditional assessment
and the tendency to assess vocabulary and grammar; besides, the
participants’ preference for tests and ll-in-the gap items.
Palabras clave: Assessment, teaching, students, tests
La La evaluación tiende a estar asociada a estudiantes y aprendices; sin
embargo, el término evaluación abarca tanto a profesores como estudiantes.
Para entender el propósito de los instrumentos de evaluación del idioma
es clave examinar a los diseñadores y sus preferencias. El objetivo de esta
investigación es caracterizar 209 instrumentos de evaluación creados por
profesores de inglés. Se trata de un estudio no experimental y descriptivo,
que analiza los tipos de instrumentos, el nivel educativo, los sistemas y
habilidades de la lengua inglesa, y el tipo y número de ítems. Dos de los
más importantes hallazgos están relacionados con las preferencias que los
profesores de inglés chilenos tienen hacia la evaluación tradicional y la
tendencia a evaluar el vocabulario y la gramática; además, de preferir
los test e ítems de completación de oraciones como los de uso más común.
Keywords: Evaluación, enseñanza, estudiantes, pruebas
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96)
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 82
A good portion of students, if not all, have been
assessed by teachers for a certain work done
in class. This assessment could vary among
teachers, schools, and even countries. There
are plenty of options to assess students’ class
performance. For instance, tests and quizzes
are two of the many language assessment
instruments available for teachers to use.
Teachers must be able to choose among this large
quantity of language assessment instruments to
meet learners’ needs.
However, there is often a misconception about
the term assessment, the assessment process
itself, and its use. The term assessment relates
to students and teachers, given that most of
the time teachers are the ones who design the
dierent assessment instruments by taking into
consideration their own learners’ needs.
In this study, we will characterize 209 language
assessment instruments created by several
Chilean English teachers. These assessment
instruments come from kindergarten to university
teachers and include tools from public and
private educational establishments. This study
will also describe all the language assessment
items and will show the dierent types of
assessment instruments, their educational level,
the language system, the language skill presented
in the assessment, and the type and number of
It will explain the tendency of Chilean teachers of
preferring traditional assessment over alternative
assessment. This paper is in the context of
the research grant FONDECYT 1191021
entitled Estudio correlacional y propuesta de
intervención en evaluación del aprendizaje
del inglés: las dimensiones cognitiva, afectiva
y social del proceso evaluativo del idioma
According to Le Grange & Reddy (1998:3),
“assessment occurs when judgments are made
about a learners performance, and entails
gathering and organizing information about
learners, to make decisions and judgments
about their learning”. Assessment aims to gather
information and evidence of students from
original sources to make assumptions of gained
knowledge and competences. Boud (1990) stated
that assessing students improves the learning
quality and the standards of performance.
Several studies show assessment as a positive
inuence on students (Black & William 1998;
Kennedy, Chan, Fok & Yu 2008). It provides
feedback, allowing students to acknowledge
their strengths and weaknesses to improve
their learning process. There is a vast range of
assessment methods and tools to help educators
assess various aspects of student learning.
Assessment methods are the techniques,
strategies, and instruments an educator may
use for gathering data on students’ learning.
Methods will vary depending on the learning
outcomes and the students’ level (Allen, Noel,
Rienzi & McMillin 2002), and they can take
dierent forms: tests, rubrics, checklists, rating
scales, etc.
Traditional assessment, often related to testing
and standardized tests, has been challenged by
alternative assessment. Many authors agree that
traditional assessment is indirect, inauthentic,
and it only measures what learners can do at a
particular time in a decontextualized context
(Dikli 2003). Even though it might be hard
to believe that educators still use this type of
assessment as their only tool to test, traditional
assessment continues to be the preferred norm.
Traditional assessment stands out for its
objectivity, reliability, and validity (Law & Eckes
1995), as these aspects belong to standardized
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 83
tests and multiple-choice items. Traditional
assessment often seems to be more practical,
since the type of items presented can be easily
corrected, and sometimes they are even scored
by automatized machines, providing reliable
Tests are powerful tools with a variety of purposes
for education (Davis 1993). They help to test
and assess whether a student is learning what is
expected. A well-designed test can motivate and
help students to focus on their academic eorts.
As Crooks (1988), McKeachie (1986) & Wergin
(1998) claimed, learners study according to
what they think teachers will test. For instance,
if a student expects a test based on facts, he
will memorize information. On the other hand,
if a student expects a test will require problem-
solving, they will work on understanding and
applying information.
Tests and quizzes are dierent, based on the
extent of content covered and their weight in
calculating a nal grade in a subject (Jacobs &
Chase 1992). The focus of a test is on particular
aspects of subject-based material, and it has a
limited extent of content. There are several
test items to measure learning, for instance:
multiple choice, true or false questions, reading
comprehension questions, ll in the blanks, etc.
It is key to highlight that tests can be adapted to
fulll students’ needs (Ministerio de Educación
de Chile, 2019). A quiz, on the other hand, is a
quick test and does not have a great impact on
a nal grade. A quiz is often very limited in its
content extension, and it is a way to keep track
of students’ gained knowledge.
Language testing is often mistaken with
assessment, as both terms appear together when
we talk about assessment. Language testing is
the practice of measuring the prociency of an
individual in using English. It is important to
understand this terminology as language tests
are part of our education system and society. The
scores from tests are a tool to make inferences
about individuals’ language ability.
As Bachman (2004:3) stated, “language tests
thus have the potential for helping us collect
useful information that will benet a wide variety
of individuals.” Testing is as old as language
teaching “since any kind of teaching has been
followed by some sort of testing” (Farhady
2018:1). From university to school, teachers
have used tests to measure students’ abilities and
English knowledge.
Most teachers develop their tests as they are a
tool for them to decide what to do inside the
classroom (Spaan 2006). The prime consideration
to develop any test is that of purpose. Thus, test
developers need to consider dierent factors
to develop their tests. These factors may vary
from classroom to classroom, from school to
school, and from region to region within the
same country. Spaan (2006:72) denes test
takers “in terms of age, academic or professional
level, language prociency level, and possibly
geographical location or cultural background”.
The next step when designing a test is to
develop the test specications. Teachers must
decide the language skills to be measured
(listening, reading, speaking, and writing), and
if they are going to be measured as integrated
or independent skills. The content and level
must also be dened beforehand, along with the
design of the test itself. “How long will the test
be, both in terms of size and number of items
and in terms of time? Will the test be timed
or not? Will it be speeded?” (Spaan 2006:74).
Scoring is also part of the decisions about the
test specications, and practical considerations,
such as the number of students, or the size of the
What follows next is to determine the type of
items to include in the test. Most educators agree
that the best tests contain a variety of items and
response types to achieve their purpose. No
item type by itself has been useful. According
to Spaan (2006), the best tests are the ones that
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 84
contain dierent item types, “which is fairer to
test takers in that it acknowledges a variety of
learning styles, balancing objective items with
subjectively scored items” (Spaan 2006:79).
Objective items require the individual to select
the correct answer from several alternatives or to
supply a word to answer a question or complete
a statement; while subjective items allow the
individual to organize and present an original
answer (CTL Illinois 2019). Among objective
items are included: multiple-choice, true-
false, matching, chronological sequence, and
completion; whereas subjective items include
essay-answer, open-ended questions, problem-
solving, and performance test items.
It is important to support students and make
them actively involved in the assessment process
(Black & William 1998), to build self-awareness
of their learning processes. Alternative
assessment includes self and peer-assessment,
which aims to develop autonomy, responsibility,
and critical thinking in learners (Sambell &
McDowell 1998).
The use of alternative assessment over traditional
assessment encourages the use of critical
thinking and the use of real-world problems,
being more meaningful to the learner (Mertler
2016). Whereas traditional assessment only
develops the skill of recalling, in which learning
outside the classroom becomes meaningless to
This idea of a real-life problem is further enforced
by Dikli (2003), who explained that several
approaches are under the concept of alternative
assessment. However, two of them stand out as
the most relevant: real-world instructions and the
use of critical thinking to solve contextualized
problems. The author further describes the
activities considered as alternative assessments
such as open-ended questions, portfolios, and
projects, among others.
Torres & Perera (2010) dene the rubric as
an instrument of evaluation based on two
scales: qualitative and quantitative. Rubrics
are composed of pre-established criteria, which
measure the actions taken by a student over a
task. Rubrics are specic models to test gained
knowledge in the classroom and topics assigned
by the teacher.
A rubric is designed as a chart. The chart contains
specic descriptors and criteria for the students’
performance. Besides, a rubric always shows the
goals to work as a wonderful source of feedback
for both students and teachers. Teachers can
adapt rubrics to assess and work as a guide for
Students can identify the purpose of the topic,
the steps to follow, and how they will be assessed
(Brindley & Wigglesworth 1997). There are two
types of rubrics: holistic and analytic rubrics.
The holistic rubric provides a global knowledge
appreciation, while the analytic rubric allows
focusing on a specic knowledge aspect.
Astawa, Handayani, Mantra & Wardana (2017)
carried out a study on language test items.
The study comprised how dierent test items
presented a high ratio of validity and reliability
in an experimental group of teachers in which
it had a perpetual eect on language habit
development. For this experiment, the authors
decided to only work with an experimental
group. The experimental group had to create a
test focused on the writing skill to analyze if it
presented validity and reliability.
After a week of attending the workshop
organized by the researchers, the teachers learned
how to construct dierent test items. Likewise,
the teachers could identify the principles of
validity and reliability in their tests. The last
part of the workshop comprised how promptly
and consistently the teachers could apply the
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dierent test items and the principles to improve
the quality of the English language tests in their
Findings showed that the teachers who attended
the workshop were better at constructing either
subjective or objective English tests. The
improvement of the tests was measured by
applying the t-test (tests designed by teachers
attending the workshop) before and after
the workshop. These t-tests were applied to
determine the reliability and validity of the test
created by the teachers who were part of the
experimental group.
Alfallaj & Al-Ahdal (2017) developed a study
to investigate and compare the Saudi Arabian
EFL testing instruments of Qassim University
with the MET (Michigan English Test). The
participants were 80 learners from the two
EFL courses at Qassim University. They had to
submit the scores from their free sample of the
MET to draw correlations with the performance
of these courses.
Besides, 40 of these participants were given
a questionnaire to get feedback on EFL
question papers at the University. By doing so,
researchers wanted to analyze how reliable the
KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) English tests
were, compared to international tests, such as
the MET.
The ndings showed that KSA English learners
were not prepared to succeed in the internationally
recognized prociency tests even if they were
slightly comfortable with the pattern and content
of the University English Tests (UET). In the
grammar component, only seven participants
scored below 50% in the UET, but in the MET
this number went up to sixty-seven. Regarding
the vocabulary section, the scores were similar,
with sixty-ve participants scoring less than
fty percent marks, but in UET seventy-four
participants scored between eighty-nine and
fty percent marks.
In the reading test and listening test, the
outcomes were much similar: sixty-seven
participants scored less than fty percent marks
in the MET, but many participants of this same
group scored between sixty and seventy-nine
percent marks in the UET. After these results,
investigators analyzed the questionnaires in
which the participants all agreed that the MET
was harder than the UET. Thus, proved that the
test components of the UET were not up to the
International prociency expectancy level.
Researchers recommended that English test
developers must test their tests to ensure
the validity and reliability of them. They
recommended the use of a checklist and a series
of questions to test if the language assessment
principles are present or not before using the
instruments in their courses.
The present study is non-experimental and
descriptive, and its primary research aim is
to characterize the types of instruments, the
educational level, the language systems and
skills, and the type and number of items identied
in a sample of instruments.
The participants in this study are 22 Chilean
English teachers from dierent educational
establishments who provided 209 assessment
instruments. This intentional sampling is based
on the teachers who volunteered to provide
examples of their assessment instruments as
participants cannot be forced to share their
materials. Ten teachers were from subsidized
schools, ten teachers from public schools, and
two teachers from universities.
The educational grades in which these
participants teach range from prekindergarten to
12th grade, including some university courses
and primary educational levels in adult school.
These participants were contacted online through
professional English teachers’ communities or
in person over the second semester of 2019.
In terms of the types of assessment instruments,
a total of 209 was collected. However, four
instruments were eliminated, since they were
incomplete or not fully legible to use. 205
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 86
assessment instruments were analyzed in this
research (tests, tests specially designed for
students with special educational needs, tests +
rubric, quizzes, rating scales, numerical rating
scales, analytic rubrics, analytic rubrics for
self-assessment, holistic rubrics, checklists,
checklists for self-assessment, and peer-
assessment). Table 1 shows the detailed number
of types of assessment instruments.
Table 1: Distribution of assessment instruments
by type
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Researchers contacted participants online and
through in-person meetings to ask for assessment
instruments of their authorship. Teachers were
informed of the purpose of this study and how
it was going to be conducted. They were asked
for some personal information, such as gender
and the educational establishment where they
worked. They were informed that their personal
information would be anonymous.
As instruments were received, they were classied
according to their educational establishment.
Then, to classify the assessment instruments, the
data of each assessment instrument was put in a
spreadsheet, which contained labels such as: type
of instrument, skill measured, system measured,
number of items, type of items, scoring system,
and level.
Instruments were analyzed following the steps
of content analysis, and then a frequency and
percent analysis was also used in this study.
The data was displayed in tables of frequency
that grouped results, such as type of assessment
instrument, language systems, and skills
measured, educational levels in which assessment
instruments were used, number of items, type
of items, and scoring system, according to
the number of times they were found in the
spreadsheet. The creation of graphics came from
the data on those tables.
This study comprised the analysis of 205
types of assessment instruments from dierent
educational establishments (public and
subsidized schools and universities). The
dierent types of instruments registered were
tests + rubric, tests, tests specially designed for
SEN students, holistic rubrics, analytic rubrics
for self-assessment, analytic rubrics, quizzes,
checklists for peer-assessment, checklists for
self-assessment, checklists, numerical rating
scales, and rating scales.
Figure 1 shows that most of the instruments
evaluated were tests (60%), followed by
numerical rating scales (14%) and completing
with analytic rubrics (11%). The least used
instruments were tests + rubric, analytic
rubrics for self-assessment, checklists for self-
assessment, and checklists for peer-assessment
(all the previously named instruments share the
same percentage 0.4%).
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 87
Two hundred and ve assessment instruments
were analyzed, and twelve dierent types were
registered. The most registered assessment
instruments were tests (60%). This result was
predictable, as in Chile the most used assessment
instruments are tests. Even in important
educational instances, tests are mainly used to
assess the students’ performance. For instance,
SIMCE (Sistema Nacional de Evaluación de
Resultados de Aprendizaje) and PSU (Prueba de
Selección Universitaria) are two of high stakes
examples in which tests and exams are present
and may even dene the professional future of
The fact that tests score the highest in gure 1
may be worrying in foreign language learning
because not all the skills (reading, listening,
writing and speaking) can be assessed through
tests. Productive skills (speaking and writing)
require the use of more authentic communicative
tasks that encourage students’ language
production. Some examples of these are
interviews, oral presentations, video creation,
poster presentations, which are all tools that are
from tests.
Tests are perhaps the most common and
practical assessment instruments to assess
learners’ responses in a classroom. Coombe
(2018) described tests as practical since they
help teachers to assess and in most of the cases,
grade students’ performance and give valuable
feedback to the learner. Moreover, tests are fast
and economical to correct, they also provide
objective results in the form of scores among
students, in comparison to other assessment
instruments, which rely on subjectivity given the
wide variety of answers learners might provide,
causing some reliability issues (Dikli 2003).
Tests are an important part of the Chilean
educational assessment policy because of their
versatility and easiness when creating them.
This fact may be inuenced by some contextual
factors of Chilean education. For example, the
number of students in classroom tends to be high
in schools; therefore, the use of tests and quizzes
that employ traditional item types are very often
a solution for quicker scoring and marking.
In addition, there is still the wrong belief that
tests and quizzes are much more objective
than an assessment task that requires the use
of a scoring scale, in which an assessor has to
use his judgement to decide a student’s score.
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 1: Types of assessment instruments
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What is also behind the use of tests is the
wrong belief that language learning is shown
when students memorize facts and knowledge.
However, foreign language learning is mostly
about developing the skills of reading, listening,
writing and speaking.
The distribution of language skills and systems
measured reads as follows. From the 205 tests,
158 instruments assessed the writing skill,
92 instruments assessed the reading skill, 39
instruments assessed the listening skill, and
35 instruments assessed the speaking skill.
Regarding the language systems, it has a
frequency of 365. Vocabulary is included in 170
instruments, grammar in 148 instruments, and
pronunciation in 26 instruments. It is necessary
to remember that a test may contain not one
but several language systems and skills to be
In gure 2, the highest percentage of assessment
instruments were oriented to vocabulary
measurement (25%), followed by writing (24%)
and grammar (22%). The least evaluated system
and skill measured were pronunciation (4%) and
speaking (5%), respectively.
In a sample of 205 assessment instruments,
vocabulary is present in most of the assessment
instruments, in 170 of them. This is equivalent
to 25% of the total of samples of assessment
instruments. This tendency of privileging
vocabulary over other language systems and
skills is explained by Kalajahi & Pourshahian
In their study, they state that there are many ways
to learn English, however, if the teacher opts for
a vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) teaching
approach, the learners may gain dierent skills
(reading, listening, writing, and speaking) in a
better and simple way and thus, the experience
of learning the foreign language will be better to
the students and they will keep motivated to gain
mastery in English.
Matsuoka & Hirsh (2010) complemented the
idea that learning vocabulary helps to learn
other skills, especially reading comprehension.
In their work, they summarized the studies
conducted by other experts in vocabulary
learning strategies and concluded that before
learning how to read using learning skills,
there must be a threshold to hold on to before
reading appropriately. This estimated 95% of
the vocabulary lexicon needed to learn reading
skills. The authors conclude that teachers must
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 2: Language systems and language skills measured
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 89
enforce vocabulary items in their class while
using ELT coursebooks.
Regarding the grades in which these assessment
instruments were used, this study covers all
educational levels from 1st to 12th grade. Besides,
there are plenty of instruments, which were also
employed for kindergarten and prekindergarten
students to university students and adult
schools. These adult schools are educational
establishments intended for adults who have not
completed primary and/or secondary education.
Another special case is that some teachers used
the same assessment instrument in dierent
grades. The same numerical rating scale was
used from 1st to 4th grade, without any changes
in its content. The scale assessed the students’
English notebooks from 1st to 4th grade. Another
case happened with a numerical rating scale
which was used from 5th to 8th grade to assess
students’ English notebooks, with no changes in
their content.
These cases made a total of four assessment
instruments which were used in eight dierent
grades. Those cases are labeled in gure 3
below. Additionally, there were some assessment
instruments in which the educational level was
not mentioned, in those cases, the instruments
were labeled as not mentioned.
From a total of 205 assessment instruments,
17% of the instruments did not mention the
educational level in which they were used. Then,
16% of the sample was used in university levels,
followed by instruments used in 11th grade
(14%). On the contrary, the lowest percentage
of instruments corresponds to instruments used
from 7th-8th grade, 5th-8th grade, 5th-6th
grade, 1st-4th grade, and adult school (primary
education) by 0.4% (See gure 3).
Out of the 205 instruments registered, 17% did
not include the educational level in which they
were used. This happens because the instrument
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 3: Educational levels in which assessment instruments were used
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 90
was used not only in one but dierent classes
in the same school. This technique reduces the
time available to create assessment instruments.
Among all instruments in which the educational
level is not included, tests are the ones in which
the educational level is not clear.
Coltrane (2002) explained that with tests, it is
more likely and easy to apply accommodation
strategies. The dierent accommodation
techniques allow teachers to adjust some
features of the test such as scheduling by giving
more time to a dierent class if their language
level diers from other classes, and setting, if
one class needs, a dierent location due to class
size problems, to ensure that learners are in a
comfortable place when they take the test.
According to gure 4, the instruments composed
of only 4 items have the highest percentage of the
sample (21%). Then, it follows the instruments
that have 5 (20%) and 7 (15%) items. It forms
a pattern as the number of items increases, the
percentage decreases. The lowest percentages
are the instruments composed of 12 and 15 items
sharing 0.4% of the sample.
Figure 5 describes whether the 205 instruments
included the scoring system as information
for students. The vast majority of instruments
showed the total score, specically 187
instruments represented by 91% in gure 5.
On the other hand, 9% of the instruments (18
instruments), did not contain any information
related to the score.
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 5: Scoring system in the assessment
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 4: Number of items
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 91
The assessment of the language systems was
found in 205 assessment instruments. The
language systems found in the instruments were
vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Figure
6 below shows that vocabulary was measured
in 47% of the assessment instruments. Then,
grammar scored 41%, followed by pronunciation
by 7%. However, 20 assessment instruments did
not assess any of the language systems. These
assessment instruments are in gure 6 below as
not applicable by 5%.
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 6: Language systems measured in the assessment instruments
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 7: Type of items used in tests and quizzes
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 92
Among the instruments evaluated, it is possible to
group them according to their type. For instance,
gure 7 groups the types of items used in Tests
and Quizzes. The highest percentage among
them is to ll in the gaps items (17%), matching
items (14%), and multiple-choice items (13%).
Word transformation items, creation of dialogue
items, creation of diagrams items, completion
of sentences, and cloze items share the lowest
percentage by 0.2% (See gure 7 below).
In gure 8, there is another group composed of
rubrics, rating scales, and checklists. There is an
extensive list of dierent contents used in these
types of instruments. The highest percentages of
language content measured are grammar (9%),
vocabulary and communication skills (6%),
and listening skills and content (5%), whereas
the lowest percentage of content measured is
memory (0.4%). There is a group of contents
measured in these instruments labeled by
gure 8 as no related English items that include
contents such as scenography, use of uniform,
respect, presentation, participation, creativity,
among others (see gure 8).
The items most used in these assessment
instruments were ll in the gaps (17%), matching
(13%), and multiple-choice and open-ended
questions (12%). These ndings, as Frodden,
Restrepo & Maturana (2009) explained, are
related to the lack of time teachers have. Teachers
have to look for more objective items that are
easy to correct and design than more subjective
Source: Authors own elaboration (2020)
Figure 8: Language contents included in rubrics, scales, and checklists
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 93
The items ll in the gaps, matching, and
multiple-choice are related to the practicality
principle as they are easy to create as well as
easy to assess. For instance, multiple-choice
items provide teachers with the opportunity to
“quickly analyze the performance of each Test
item and use this information to improve future
assessments” (Scully 2017:4).
On the other hand, open-ended questions are the
type of item that requires teachers to spend more
time on its development and grading as “they
are not questions that demand a single correct
response” (Khoshsima & Pourjam 2014:20).
Even though this type of item may demand
more time from teachers to develop, teachers
use it as this item can “improve the respondent’s
possibilities to be heard and give accurate
information” (Schonlau, Gweon & Wenemark
2019:2). It can test any aspect of the language,
and it is benecial to build it in the classroom
(Dickinson & Tabors 2001).
According to Martínez, Salinas & Canavosio
(2014), the assessment instruments aim to assess
the organization, content, and accuracy of the
tasks asked, such as an essay. However, the most
assessed language contents were non-related
English items, such as timing, use of uniform,
creativity, respect, among others by 42%. It
might be possible that Chilean teachers tend to
assess students’ behavior to keep them on task,
as Martínez et al. (2014) stated that teachers
considered other criteria to assess such as
students’ attitude, responsibility, and behavior.
Taking aside these types of contents, gure 8
shown earlier, reveals the most assessed language
contents: grammar (9%), and vocabulary and
communication skills (6%). Even though
these results follow the hierarchy criteria of
organization, content, and accuracy (Martínez et
al. 2014), they also follow the other discovered
hierarchy, which is content, accuracy, and then
organization (Martínez et al. 2014).
Chilean English teachers prefer traditional
assessment instead of alternative assessment.
This was a clear tendency from the collection
of the assessment instruments. Tests registered
60% predominance compared to the rest of the
assessment instruments analyzed. For this reason,
we can infer tests are the preferred language
assessment instrument used by teachers to assess
learners, with an amount of 124 instruments.
Besides, the type of items that had the highest
percentage through the assessment instruments
was ll in the gaps items present in 17% of the
assessment instruments.
The ll in the gaps items were encountered 89
times among the 205 assessment instruments.
The assumption regarding the results is that
Chilean teachers prefer traditional assessments
and items that are easy and economical to
create, correct, score and mark. However, even
though teachers in this study were free to send
any type of assessment instruments of their
authorship, they might have also misconceived
assessment instruments as only tests. Moreover,
bearing in mind the lack of time, support, and
even resources from the educational system, it
is highly dicult for educators to nd dierent
ways of assessing learners.
Regarding the language systems and skills
identied throughout this study, we can state
that vocabulary is present in 25% of the
assessment instruments and the most measured
skill was writing with 24% of the assessment
instruments. Both systems and skills measured
were successfully identied in every assessment
In conclusion, the assessment instruments were
mainly oriented to the assessment of writing
skills and vocabulary, which were found in 158
instruments and 170 instruments, respectively.
Teachers tend to use traditional assessment,
which highlights the testing of vocabulary,
grammar, reading and listening through
traditional test items (ll-in the gaps, multiple
choice, matching, etc.).
Número 15 / DICIEMBRE, 2021 (80-96) 94
Nevertheless, it is necessary to assess English
language in a more contextualized, integrated
and meaningful way. This is not to say that
traditional testing has to be demonized, but
to suggest that language assessment should
integrate traditional and alternative assessment
tools that can maximize student learning.
INTERESTS: The authors declare no conict
of interest.
DE LOS AUTORES: Claudio Díaz Larenas
(25%), Alan Felipe Jara Díaz (25%), Yesenia
Ester Rosales Orellana (25%) y María José
Sanhueza Villalón (25%).
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