REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
The new technological advances have brought a revolution on how economic agents interact
with society and markets. Nowadays, the use of virtual currencies is more frequent in the nan-
cial transactions and bitcoin has been dened as the most important world cryptocurrency due
to its high market capitalization and its technological infrastructure. Several studies have been
conducted to discuss bitcoin advantages and disadvantages; however, few papers in literature
have examined its connection and inuence on the stock market. The objective of this paper
is precisely cover this gap. Firstly, by providing tools and concepts to understand bitcoin’s
dynamic, and then determining its relationship with stock market indexes. In that context, this
manuscript examines the denition and function of bitcoin in the global world and its presence
in Ecuador. Besides, exploratory and visual analyses are provided using the evolution of bitcoin
and other market indexes. Finally, a linear correlation is computed between bitcoin, other cryp-
tocurrencies, stock exchange indexes and commodities. The results in this study, employing
visual and statistical analyses, demonstrated that bitcoin has: a strong relationship with other
cryptocurrencies; a lineal correlation, not as strong as the previous one, with the main stock
market indexes; and no linear correlation with commodities.
Keywords: bitcoin; commodities; cryptocurrencies; linear correlation; stock exchange indexes.
Los nuevos avances tecnológicos han traído consigo una revolución en cómo los agentes eco-
nómicos interactúan con la sociedad y los mercados. Actualmente, el uso de monedas virtuales
es frecuente en las transacciones nancieras y el bitcoin ha sido denido como la criptomoneda
más importante a nivel mundial debido a su alta capitalización en el mercado y a su infraes-
tructura tecnológica. Varios estudios han sido realizados para discutir las ventajas y desven-
tajas del uso del bitcoin; sin embargo, pocos estudios han examinado su conexión e inuencia
en el mercado de valores. El objetivo de esta investigación es precisamente cubrir este nicho.
Primero, proveyendo herramientas y conceptos para entender la dinámica del bitcoin y luego
determinando su relación con el mercado bursátil. En este sentido, este manuscrito analiza la
denición y rol del bitcoin en el mundo, así como su presencia en Ecuador. Además, se provee
un análisis exploratorio y visual de la evolución del bitcoin y de los índices del mercado de
valores. Finalmente, una correlación lineal es calculada entre el bitcoin, otras criptomonedas,
índices bursátiles y materas primas. Los resultados del estudio, empleando técnicas visuales y
estadísticas, demuestran que el bitcoin tiene: una fuerte relación con otras criptomonedas; una
correlación lineal, no tan fuerte como la anterior, con los principales índices bursátiles; y no
tiene una correlación lineal con las materias primas.
Palabras clave: bitcoin; correlación lineal; criptomonedas; índices bursátiles; materias pri-
Alexandra Piedad Cortez Ordoñez
Ana Belén Tulcanaza Prieto
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España
Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT),
Corea del Sur
Fecha recepción: 08/03/2018
Fecha aceptación: 09/05/2018
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
“Bitcoin is a groundbreaking digital techno-
logy with the potential to radically change
the way we conduct banking and commer-
ce and to bring billions of people from the
emerging markets into a modern, integrated,
digitized, globalized economy” (Vigna and
Casey 2015:4).
Recent advances in technology have chan-
ged the world and the way how the econo-
mic agents interact with each other. A clear
example of this phenomenon is the different
way to make transactions using new tech-
nologies. Nowadays, a considerable part of
dealings, purchases, and payments are made
through the Internet and concepts such as
virtual money, electronic commerce “e-com-
merce”, and electronic business “e-business”
are becoming more familiar. Smithin (2002)
point out citizens are turning into a “cashless
society”, however it does not imply society
is transforming into a “moneyless communi-
ty”. Actually, money is still the main part in
all nancial transactions; however, the num-
ber of agents using virtual money is increa-
sing. Hileman and Rauchs indicates “the ac-
tive users of cryptocurrency are predicted to
be between 2.9 million and 5.8 million, and
at least 1,876 people are working full-time in
the cryptocurrency industry” (Hileman and
Rauchs 2017:8).
The concept of money has not been always
related to the perception of currency; it de-
pends on social customs and needs (Malo-
ne 2014). Traditionally, money is described
as an element generally accepted as pay-
ment for goods, services or debt settlement,
whose main functions are to be a medium
of exchange, a unit of account and a reser-
ve of value. Money must be guaranteed or
certied by the issuing entity. Governments
through laws and other entities, such as cen-
tral banks, regulate and control the monetary
policy. Several authors and economic agents
dene bitcoin as money; however, this des-
cription may be inconsistent considering the
money’s accurate denition. Then, what is
“Bitcoin is the rst decentralized digital cu-
rrency” (Brito and Castillo 2013:1). It was
introduced in the nancial market by an unk-
nown person or group of people using the
alias Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. This new
virtual currency does not depend on a coun-
try regulation because its use is anonymous,
and it allows cheap and easy international
payments employing a virtual bank account
called “digital wallet”, which is located in
the cloud or on a client´s computer. Brito
and Castillo (2013) conceptualize bitcoin
as a peer-to-peer mechanism between users,
without an intermediary.
People can buy bitcoins as an investment in
the bitcoin exchanges market, they can use
any currency in these transactions. In addi-
tion, they can send bitcoins to other users
through mobile applications or their compu-
ters, this process can be considered as “sen-
ding digital cash” where the names of buyers
and sellers are never revealed, only their wa-
llet IDs are displayed.
Bitcoin is not only a virtual currency but also
a discovery of technological infrastructure
that involves blockchain computing, which
has a similar effect as the Internet in tradi-
tional computer networks. Blockchain com-
puting is unique due to copies of the entire
system can be maintained simultaneously on
millions of computers located anywhere.
The most important characteristics of bit-
coin are:
(1) Decentralized: it does not depend on
any governmental authority, and it involves
mining and transaction verication by ne-
(2) Anonymous: the bitcoin wallet is not
associated with any personally identiable
information. Nevertheless, authorities could
associate the anonymity of bitcoin transac-
tions with drug trafcking, terrorism, and
other illegal and dangerous activities.
(3) Transparent: the blockchain (digita-
lized, decentralized and public ledger) saves
all bitcoin transactions, however tracking a
particular bitcoin address to a person is still
almost impossible.
(4) Fast: the bitcoin network processes
payments instantaneously, it normally takes
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
just a few minutes for users to receive mo-
(5) Non-repudiable: clients do not reco-
ver bitcoin transactions; it ensures the recep-
tion of payment.
The unit of account of the bitcoin system is
bitcoin and the ticker symbols used to repre-
sent it are BTC and XBT (The popular tic-
ker name ‘BTC’ violates ISO 4217 because
it conicts with Bhutan’s currency which is
BTN [Bhutanese Ngultrum]. For that reason,
some people use the alternative ticker name
“XBT” which is not ofcial). The long-term
fundamental value of bitcoin is not statisti-
cally different from zero, and its market was
estimated to be around - 3.3 billion of Uni-
ted State Dollars (USD) during 2015 (Cheah
and Fry , 2015). In addition, the bitcoin capi-
talization (using the current market prices of
2017) is around USD 67.8 billion. Most the
researches agree that bitcoin prices incorpo-
rate a reasonable speculative component and
their markets are directly affected by nan-
cial bubbles.
Authors summarize the advantages of bit-
coin as (1) high portability, which means
that it is easy to transport and employ be-
cause users only need Internet access to send
and receive money using quick response
code (QR-code) or online wallet, (2) volun-
tary commission fee, users can choose cost
and the waiting time to send and receive
transactions, (3) no Payment Card Industry
(PCI), which implies lower commissions
and administrative expenses for clients, (4)
security and control through monetary pro-
tection using backup copies and encryption,
also personal information is always saved,
(5) transparent, predictable and neutral tran-
sactions, and (6) it cannot be counterfeited
because it uses blockchain technology and
Conversely, the disadvantages of bitcoin are:
(1) legal status, which varies drastically from
one country to another, (2) lower level of re-
cognition than traditional currencies, (3) lost
key which means that users have a unique
alphanumeric password to access to bitcoin
wallet, (4) volatility in the bitcoin price that
does not allow to predict its value due to its
rapid and drastic changes for several cycles
of skyrocketing and plummeting referred to
bubbles and busts, and (5) its continuous de-
velopment is not clear because governments
and banks are not able to control bitcoins.
The bitcoin price formation could be explai-
ned through the traditional determinants of
currency price such as the market forces of
supply and demand of this cryptocurrency.
Nevertheless, its price also depends on mul-
titude factors such as the number and size
of business that accept bitcoin as payment,
and the tendency of present and future spe-
culation. Furthermore, the specic exchange
rates are formed in the process of bitcoin tra-
ding on various online exchanges. Whiting
this context, new methods as time-series
analyses are implemented to explain the bit-
coin price per the bitcoin allure for investors
and users (Ciaian, Rajcaniova and Kancs
In summary, the importance of bitcoin is
related to the improvement in domestic
payments and the rapid development of al-
ternative forms of international transfers.
Recently, it seems that bitcoin has assumed
the role of investment assets based on its
price appreciation, which is not the result of
ination because it is scared and easily inter-
changeable. On the other hand, according to
some sources, bitcoin is considered a good
vehicle for money laundering and terrorism
In this context, the general objective of this
article is to understand the importance and
the inuence of bitcoin in the global world
and its relationship with other market in-
dexes. The specic objectives aim to: (1)
investigate previous academic works deve-
loped in this eld, (2) analyze the evolution
of bitcoin and examine important events that
determine its volatility, (3) explore the cryp-
tocurrency market in Ecuador, and (4) test
if bitcoin has a linear correlation with other
cryptocurrencies, stock exchange indexes
and commodities, employing visual and sta-
tistical analysis.
The document is composed of three sections.
The rst part describes the methodology of
this study. The second section, correspon-
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
ding to the results and discussion, is divided
into four subsections: (1) the background
review that refers to the bitcoin’s theoreti-
cal, (2) an empirical analysis of bitcoin, its
evolution, its participation in the Ecuadorian
economy, (3) a comparison between bitcoin,
other cryptocurrencies, stock exchange in-
dexes, and commodities, (4) an explanation
of the hypothesis, the linear correlation com-
putation and the obtained results. Finally, the
last section of this paper covers conclusions
and recommendations for future work.
This article follows a mixed methodology.
The term “mixed” refers to a novel methodo-
logy of research, popular in social sciences,
which allows the systematic integration or
“mixing” of both, qualitative and quantita-
tive analysis. This procedure permits a com-
plete study than do a separate analysis. Me-
thodologist John Creswell classies mixed
methodology in six strategies: (1) Sequential
Explanatory, (2) Sequential Exploratory, (3)
Sequential Transformative, (4) Concurrent
Triangulation, (5) Concurrent Nested, and
(6) Concurrent Transformative. The charac-
teristics of each strategy dene their purpose
and their accurate application. In this paper,
a Sequential Exploratory methodology will
be used. It begins with an initial phase of
qualitative analysis followed by a quantita-
tive research, in order to explore a phenome-
non and test a new instrument.
In that context, a descriptive analysis of the
main investigations in this area is made,
which allows verifying the lack of correla-
tion analysis that is proposed in the objecti-
ves of this study. Then, with the purpose of
understanding bitcoin dynamic, a summary
of its evolution and the principal events that
have caused its volatility is done. Additio-
nally, to test its relevance, a research of bit-
coin’s inuence in Ecuadorian markets is
performed, and later on a description of the
evolution of bitcoin, main stock exchanges
indexes, other cryptocurrencies, and com-
modities. The quantitative analysis has been
made to help achieve the proposed objecti-
ves. A linear correlation calculation is a tool
proposed to verify the hypotheses.
Finally, based on these qualitative and quan-
titative results, the principal conclusions and
recommendations are established.
In this section, a qualitative and quantitative
analysis is performed. Following the metho-
dology described, the study begins at a qua-
litative level. First, a descriptive analysis of
the main studies on this subject so far is in-
troduced. Then, an empirical study is done,
divided into three parts: (1) the bitcoin´s clo-
se price is evaluated to denote its volatility
during the analyzed period, (2) the Ecuado-
rian experience with cryptocurrencies and
bitcoin is schematized to corroborate the
actual situation of virtual currencies in this
country and (3) the evolution of bitcoin and
the most important markets (global cryp-
tocurrencies, stock exchange indexes, and
commodities) is done to investigate their
trend. Finally, the bitcoin phenomenon is
explained at a statistical level and a linear
correlation calculation is used to verify the
proposed hypotheses.
Theoretical framework
The theoretical framework in this manuscript
reviews the most important bitcoin studies to
dene the main characteristics of this virtual
currency, its advantages and disadvantages,
and its volatility using previous studies.
The evaluation of this new monetary and
electronic system that arises independent-
ly without any government control was
analyzed by Durgun and Timur (2015). They
discovered cryptocurrencies offer the same
monetary services as traditional money and
have been able to nd users in the market.
Dibrova (2016) conrmed this statement,
her investigation on bitcoin’s price dyna-
mics evidenced that virtual currency market
has a vast potential for development. Anto-
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
nopoulos (2016) examined in his book how
the internet transforms the society allowing
people around the world interact easily. The
author explained the importance of bitcoin
to transform the traditional nance and to
bring nancial independence to worldwide.
The economic aspect of bitcoin was focused
in Kubát (2015) research, demonstrating that
bitcoin cannot easily be considered as mo-
ney after analyzing the theoretical, empiri-
cal and legal denition of money in Czech,
German and American laws. Later on, Bri-
to, Hoegner, Friedman, Rae and Osborne
(2015) also arrived at the same conclusion
based on the study of cryptocurrency law in
Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and
the United States. Gimigliano (2016), pro-
vided an analysis of the European Union’s
jurisdiction for bitcoin and e-payments, the
user funds protection, the stability of pay-
ment system and the competitiveness of EU
In addition, the end-users’ motivations and
barriers employing bitcoin as a digital cu-
rrency were studied by Presthus and O’Ma-
lley (2017). They conducted a small sur-
vey with 135 participants and conrmed
that approximately 13% adopt bitcoin due
to their technological curiosity and not for
monetary incentives or external inuences.
Furthermore, people in the non-user group
are waiting for the results of benets and se-
curity issues to start using bitcoin.
The concerns of the legislative authorities on
money laundering and illegal nancing acti-
vities were studied by Dibrova (2016). The
same awareness was shared by Blau (2018).
In his work, he explained the use of bitcoin
as an exchange medium and the possibili-
ty of using it to nance criminal activities
due to its speculative nature. In spite of the-
se concerns, little evidence has directly im-
plicated crypto-coins in money laundering,
even when cryptocurrencies resemble a con-
ventional form of money as a medium of ex-
change. Campbell-Verduyn (2018) analyzed
the effectiveness of the global anti-money
laundering regime and concluded that natio-
nal currencies and other digital technologies
perform equal or greater money laundering
challenges, and it is necessary to concentrate
efforts to combat this illegal practice inde-
pendently if it is a conventional or virtual
The volatility of bitcoin is another point of
interest for researches. The reasons for bit-
coin´s price dynamics were studied by Blau
(2018). He concluded that during 2013, spe-
culative trading did not contribute to the
unprecedented rise and subsequent collapse
in the value of bitcoin and it was not asso-
ciated with its unusual level of volatility. In
addition, Kubát (2015) showed in his inves-
tigation that the bitcoin’s volatility is signi-
cantly higher than other currencies and as-
sets. Nevertheless, Durgun and Timur (2015)
explained that virtual money has a limited
impact on markets due to its insufcient in-
frastructure, legal gaps, prohibitions, weak-
ness and insecurity of Internet networks.
On the other hand, Yermack (2015) afrmed
that bitcoin is a speculative investment and
it has achieved a minimum volume of con-
sumer transactions due to its short-term risk
and its high volatility. The author established
the virtual zero correlation between the daily
bitcoin exchange rate, the used currencies,
and gold. Furthermore, bitcoin does not have
a deposit insurance and it could not access
the banking system that increases hacking
Authors as Yelowitz and Wilson (2015)
agree with Yerman’s study. They used Goo-
gle Trends dataset to analyze the searches of
bitcoin users, and they concluded that search
terms as computer programming and illegal
activity are certainly correlated with bitcoin
interest, while libertarian and investment
terms are not associated with this new type
of money.
The volatility studies of bitcoin go beyond
qualitative analysis. Several quantitative
types of research have also been developed.
For instance, Dyhrberg (2016) introduced
the nancial asset capabilities of bitcoin
using comparative GARCH models between
this virtual currency, gold, and American
dollar. Her ndings of hedging capacity and
medium of exchange, demonstrated simila-
rities between gold and dollar, while bitcoin
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
is preferred by risk-averse investors for ade-
quate risk management in portfolios and -
nancial markets.
The portfolio diversication with bitcoin
was studied by Brière, Oosterlinck and Sza-
farz (2015). The authors used a portfolio that
incorporates: (1) traditional assets (stocks,
bonds, and hard currencies) and (2) alterna-
tive investments (commodities, hedge funds,
and real estate). They demonstrated that the
admission of a small proportion of bitcoins
increased the risk-return rate in both alterna-
tives in the short term. However, the span-
ning tests did not corroborate the results in
the medium and long term.
The interdependencies of prices between
bitcoin and altcoin markets in the short and
long term were analyzed by Ciaian et al.
(2018). The authors used time series analysis
and daily data of 17 virtual currencies, inclu-
ding bitcoin, and two altcoin price indexes
for the 2013-2016 period, to conrm that the
BitCoin-altcoin price relationship was signi-
cantly stronger in the short-run than in the
long-run. Their results also showed a bitcoin
impact in the short-term for some altcoins
that are similar to the bitcoin price forma-
The review of previous studies reveals the
lack of research works about the linear co-
rrelation of bitcoin and other stock market
indexes, similar to the one proposed in this
Bitcoin’s close price evolution
Bitcoin has had a very volatile trading his-
tory since its inception in 2009. Initially,
it traded for almost nothing (around USD
0.0008). In July 2010, bitcoin had its rst
real price increase, a single coin for USD
0.08. With two years in the nancial market,
on February 9th 2011, bitcoin achieved pari-
ty with the American dollar, causing interest
in investors in some markets. Its value grew
rapidly exceeding USD 10 over the next two
years. The condence in this cryptocurrency
was increasing as its value, on March 11th
2013, the close price of bitcoin was similar
to USD 50 (47.41 to be exact). Although the
price dropped sharply and the Mt. Gox, one
of the world’s bitcoin exchanges, tempora-
rily suspended bitcoin deposits, the con-
dence and validity of some transactions in
the bitcoin market were not affected (Chain
Fork Information 2013).
On April 2013, its value exceeded USD
100 when The European Commission, the
European Central Bank and the Internatio-
nal Monetary Fund announced the rescue
of the Cypriot Economy under certain con-
ditions, such as a considerable tax on bank
accounts with holdings exceeding 100,000
euros (EUR), a policy that affect wealthy
people from Cyprus and abroad, due to the
reputation of this country as tax haven. As a
solution to preserve their holdings, many of
these account holders bought bitcoin in mas-
se (Bitcoin Price History 2018).
A signicant peak was reached on Novem-
ber 29th 2013. The bitcoin’s close price was
USD 1,101.38 due to the fast-growing bit-
coin investment in China. Mt. Gox was still
operating and was involved in approximate-
ly 70% of all transactions. The bitcoin price
began to be more volatile when the rst res-
trictions appeared. For instance, according
to Cable News Network -CNN- (2013), The
People’s Bank of China declared that bitcoin
is not a currency and prohibited to any insti-
tution to trade, insure or offer services related
to this cryptocurrency. People had problems
withdrawing their money from the exchange
and the bitcoin prices fell below USD 1,000.
Later on, the massive DDoS attacks (distri-
buted denial-of-service is an attack in which
multiple compromised computer systems
attack a target, such as a server, website or
another network resource, and cause a denial
of service for users of the targeted resour-
ce.) declined the bitcoin price in February
2014, from around USD 940 (February 1st)
to USD 111 (February 21st) (MtGox 2013).
During the rest of 2014 and 2015, the bitcoin
value remained with decreasing trends. Bit-
coin’s close price ranged from USD 600 to
around USD 300, despite the facts such as:
(1) the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the
Unites States (US) tried to classify bitcoin as
a property subject to capital gains taxes, (2)
more restrictions were established from The
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
People’s Bank of China, (3) the US gover-
nment increased regulations for companies
that interact with bitcoin, and (4) the bitcoin
was accepted as a medium of payment in
some big companies as Dell, Microsoft and
Braintree (Bitcoin Price History 2018).
In 2016, bitcoin showed a slow but steady
upward trend, its price exceeded USD 500
during the rst semester. The bitcoin com-
munity grew, and some inuential members
gathered in Hong Kong to discuss a plan for
scaling bitcoin. However, there was some
discouraging news such as the theft of custo-
mer funds for security breaches. On Novem-
ber 9th 2016, Donald Trump was elected as
the 45th President of the United States and
the reaction in the markets was immediate.
Most of the markets opened sharply lower
and investors rushed into known havens
such as gold. Bitcoin increased its price by
5% in just 24 hours with a close price of
USD 721.42 (Bitcoin Price History 2018).
The popularity of bitcoin increased quickly
due to the massive media coverage, attrac-
ting new users interested in this novel cryp-
tocurrency who bought bitcoin and pushed
its value to the top. On January 3rd 2017,
the bitcoin price broke USD 1,000 for the
rst time in three years. The price of USD
2,720.53 was reached on August 1st 2017,
after Japan recognized bitcoin as a legal
medium of payment and the bitcoin code
was divided into two parts to create a com-
peting cryptocurrency called bitcoin cash.
The holdings of bitcoin owners’ have dou-
bled thanks to this action. If someone had
10 bitcoins before August 1st, since this date
the owner had additionally 10 bitcoin cash
(CoinDesk 2017).
The price has grown rapidly since then, al-
though there is an increasing risk and authori-
ties tried to control this market. For instance,
Chinese authorities ordered Beijing-based
cryptocurrency exchanges to cease trading
and stop registering new users (Bitcoin Price
History 2018). However, the price exceeded
USD 5,000 for the rst time on October 11th
2017, USD 10,000 on November 28th 2017,
and USD 20,000 on December 18th 2017;
that is, it tripled its price in just two months,
reaching records never seen before and ex-
ceeding all predictions.
The price was affected after South Korea,
the third-largest cryptocurrency market in
the world, announced policies to regulate
the bitcoin trade, such as the closing of stock
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ISSN 2550-6722
exchanges (Bitcoin Price History 2018).
Nevertheless, bitcoin continues to trans-
cend expectations and maintains a high, but
uctuating value. On February 28th 2018, it
closed at USD 10,334.44. The evolution of
the bitcoin´s close price is displayed in the
gure 1.
Digital currencies and bitcoin evolution in
Ecuador introduced bitcoin and other digital
currencies in July 2014 as a part of the re-
form of the country’s monetary and nancial
laws. However, the then-President Rafael
Correa ordered to stop the bitcoin operations
and conscate the circulation of bitcoins and
assets in this virtual currency.
The Central Bank of Ecuador (BCE) does not
recognize bitcoin as a medium of payment,
which is stipulated in the Monetary and Fi-
nancial Organic Code, article No. 94 (Asam-
blea Nacional del Ecuador 2014). None-
theless, in 2014, the BCE presented its own
digital currency, called Dinero Electrónico,
and it is pegged one-to-one to the US dollar
(the ofcial currency of Ecuador). This elec-
tronic currency is issued by the BCE and it is
not equal to cryptocurrency or bitcoins due
to it has backing in paper, metal and liquid
assets. Furthermore, the Ecuadorian govern-
ment promotes electronic money because the
useful life of dollars in Ecuador is 2.5 years,
while in the United States it is 7.8 years. The
BCE (2018) reported that citizens, who have
digital money in their virtual accounts, have
three options to manage it. First, this money
can be downloaded and effective. Second,
users can buy with it in places that accept
this virtual money as a medium of payment.
And third, it can be transferred to any nan-
cial institution as saving.
On April 16th 2018, all the electronic money
accounts in the BCE are going to be deacti-
vated due to the approval of the Law of Eco-
nomic Reactivation, which transfers the ad-
ministration of electronic money to private
banks. Actually, the challenges of the Ecua-
dorian public nancial sector are still large
and dened as a support to reduce the use
of physical money and offer new services
involving electronic mediums of payments
such as cards, transfers, and other nancial
products (BCE, 2018).
The money supply (M1) in the Ecuadorian
nancial system consists of (1) monetary
species in circulation (currency in circula-
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
tion), (2) fractional currency, (3) electronic
money, and (4) demand deposits. The evo-
lution of M1 showed a signicant increase
of USD 18,695.32 million to USD 22,634.80
million from 2014 to 2016, respectively. The
most representative account is the currency
in circulation, which on average represents
57.1% of M1 during the same studied pe-
riod. On the other hand, the demand deposits
account varied from USD 9,068.76 million
(2014) to USD 9.281,36 million (2016), and
the Ecuadorian digital currency changed
from USD 0.1 million (2014) to USD 4.1
million (2016). The development of the M1
components is shown as follows in the gure
Bitcoin and stock exchange
The rst step to determine the relationship
between bitcoin and stock exchange is the
visual and descriptive analysis of their close
price. The study is based on the characteri-
zation of bitcoin and main stock exchange
indexes, in American dollars (USD), euros
(EUR) and pound sterling (GBP), other im-
portant cryptocurrencies and principal com-
modities. The information needed to perform
this rst descriptive analysis is available on
(1) Yahoo Finance, section market, subsec-
tion Cryptocurrencies and World Indexes,
(2) Investing section commodities and (3)
Investopedia section Cryptocurrencies.
a.Evolution of bitcoin and the most impor-
tant world cryptocurrencies
Investopedia (2017), which are the following
(in a non-specic order) (table 1) that focu-
ses on investing education, retirement stra-
tegies, and nancial news, denes the six
most important cryptocurrencies other than
bitcoin, which are the showed in a non-spe-
cic order table 1.
The trend analysis includes the series of the
main global cryptocurrencies shown in table
1, with the exception of the virtual curren-
cy called Zcash (ZEC) because its dataset
was formed for 490 observations, and it is
only available from October 27th 2016 to
the present. This manuscript considers 937
observations (close price) from August 6th
2015 to February 28th 2018. The start date
is chosen because all the considered crypto-
currencies have historical data from this date
to the present and it coincides with the rst
day of operations of Ethereum. The databa-
se source is Yahoo Finance, one of the main
web networks, which provides stock quotes,
up-to-date news, portfolio management re-
sources and international market data.
Graphically, all series follow the same path
as the bitcoin close price. For instance, the
Litecoin’s average close price was USD
33.97 during the considered period, its mini-
mum value (USD 2.59) was reached on Sep-
tember 2nd 2015, while its maximum value
(USD 357.51) was achieved on December
18th 2017. On the other hand, Ethereum
cryptocurrency showed its minimal price
(USD 0.42) on October 20th 2015, its maxi-
mum price (USD 1,385.02) on January 13th
2018, and its average close price is USD
Dash or darkcoin experimented an average
close price of USD 147.57. The close price
range of this cryptocurrency is USD 1.00
(minimum price on September 08th 2015)
to USD 1,433.41 (maximum price on De-
cember 20th 2017). The virtual currency
denominated Ripple, whose average close
price is USD 0.17, evidenced its lower pri-
ce on November 08th 2015 (USD 0.00) and
its highest value was achieved on January
7th 2018 (USD 2.78). Finally, the Monero
cryptocurrency showed its best close price
performance on December 20th 2017 (USD
467.50), while its worst close price (USD
0.36) was on November 22nd 2015. Figure
3 displays the evolution of bitcoin and the
most important world cryptocurrencies.
b. Evolution of bitcoin and the most
important stock exchange indexes
The stock market could be divided into four
main economic regions, which are: Euro-
pe, the United States, China, and Japan. It
is important to differentiate between index
and market since they are not the same. The
stock exchange is the place where investors
can commerce, buy and sell titles or securi-
ties of listed companies. The index is a ther-
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
mometer of the stock market of each country
or region, considering that it is elaborated
with the companies with greater capitali-
zation and volume in their markets. There
are many indexes elaborated for analyzing
a specic stock exchange of a determined
region. According to Yahoo Finance, the
most important and recognized worldwide
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
indexes are summarized in table 2.
The trend analysis is divided into two parts.
The rst part includes the series of the US
market and the second one contains the
analysis of the European stock exchange.
The Japanese and Chinese market are ex-
cluded because of the availability of infor-
mation. Graphically, it is possible to better
appreciate the trend of the series if the plot is
less loaded, besides the analyzed indexes are
quoted in different currencies (USD, EUR,
and GBP). This research considers observa-
tions (close price) from January 1st 2013 to
February 28th 2018. The period is chosen
because the analysis of the last ve years
allows a long-term perspective of the beha-
vior of these indexes.
The Dow Jones industrial average, along
with the NASDAQ and the S&P 500, ser-
ves as a description for the general market
and the performance of the US economy and
helps investors to get a nancial idea of the
current environment and prospects. Figure 4
shows the volatility of bitcoin compared to
these indexes; all of them are in an ascen-
ding and continuous trend.
The Dow Jones industry average is the in-
dex with the highest market capitalization,
around USD 18,041.08 in the last 5 years.
Its maximum value was USD 26,616.71 on
January 26th 2018. On the other hand, the
NASDAQ index had lower capitalization
than DJI, (USD 4,893.99 on average) it pre-
sented more stable values throughout the
analyzed period, reaching its maximum on
January 26th 2018 with USD 7,505.77.
The same day, the S&P index reached its hi-
ghest capitalization in the last 5 years (USD
2,872.87). This index had the lowest avera-
ge value of capitalization USD 2,057.64. All
the indexes in the US market seem to be re-
lated and follow the same trend.
In the European case, IBEX 35, DAX and
FTSE 100, help investors to understand the
performance of this economy. The prices of
IBEX 35, DAX and bitcoin are given in eu-
ros, while FTSE 100 is given in GBP (gure
The European stock exchange indexes seem
to be more stable during the considered pe-
riod. DAX is the index with the highest mar-
ket capitalization, in average EUR 10,365.48
in the last 5 years. Its maximum value was
EUR 10,609.50 on January 23rd 2018. On
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
the other hand, IBEX 35 had a lower capitali-
zation than DAX, in average EUR 9,768.23.
Its maximum value was reached on April
13th 2015 with EUR 11,866.40. FTSE 100
index showed its highest capitalization in
the last 5 years (GBP 13,559.59) on January
12th 2018. This index had an average capi-
talization value of GBP 6,741.74. Generally,
the three indexes show a stable trend in the
European economy.
c. Evolution of bitcoin and the most
important commodities
A commodity is dened as a basic good in
commerce that can be interchangeable with
other commodities of the same type (Inves-
topedia 2018). Fungibility is its most impor-
tant characteristic of commodities. It can be
treated in the spot and derivative markets,
and its price is usually determined as a func-
tion of its market as a whole. Commodities
can be classied as raw materials, basic re-
sources and agricultural products.
Investopedia (2018), a global nancial por-
tal which offers stock quotes and internatio-
nal market data, dened the inuence of the
commodity prices as an important factor that
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
impacts on earnings of public companies,
and, by extension, the markets. In addition,
this nancial company mentions that the ten
most important commodities that move the
markets are (in a non-specic order): wood,
crude oil, cotton, wheat, corn, coffee, gold,
silver, platinum, and natural gas.
This manuscript analyzes only three com-
modities (gold, silver and crude oil) due to
the availability of information (table 3).
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
Similarly, the trend analysis is done during
the period considered above to easily deter-
minate the relationship between commodi-
ties and bitcoin in the long-term.
The price (future) of gold and silver is sta-
ble during the analyzed period (gure 6). On
average, gold had a price of USD 1,270.69,
its maximum value (USD 1,692.80) was
reached on January 23rd 2013 and the mi-
nimum value (USD 1,050.80) on December
17th 2015. Silver experimented an average
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
close price of USD 18.48.
The range of its price was USD 13.66
(lowest value on December 14th 2015) to
USD 32.41 on January 23rd 2013. The com-
modity called Crude Oil WTI had an avera-
ge price of USD 66.70 showing its lowest
value (USD 26.21) on November 2nd 2016
and its highest price (USD 110.53) on June
9th 2013. Commodities prices have shown a
stable trend during the studied period, while
bitcoin price is characterized by its volatility.
Correlation analysis
Finally, three hypotheses are proposed:
• Hypothesis 1: Positive correlation between
bitcoin and the main world cryptocurrencies.
• Hypothesis 2: Positive correlation between
bitcoin and the most important stock ex-
change indexes.
• Hypothesis 3: Positive correlation between
bitcoin and the main commodities.
A linear correlation analysis is performed
between bitcoin, main stock exchange in-
dexes, other important cryptocurrencies and
principal commodities. This computation is
a crucial part to test the hypotheses and was
made using the software RStudio version
1.1.423. The database sources are (1) Yahoo
Finance, section market, subsection Crypto-
currencies and World Indexes, (2) Investing
section commodities.
Hypothesis 1: Positive correlation between
bitcoin and the main world cryptocurrencies
The data is obtained from Yahoo Finance,
section Cryptocurrencies. The number of
observations are 937 from August 6th 2015
to February 28th 2018.
The linear correlation between bitcoin and
the ve most important cryptocurrencies is
positive and signicant at least at 0.05 level
(table 4). The highest correlation coefcients
are presented between bitcoin and Dash
(0,978), and bitcoin and Monero (0,969). On
the other hand, the lowest correlation coef-
cient is evidenced between bitcoin and Ri-
pple (0,821). It is important to mention that
the strongest correlation (0,984) is shown
between Dash and Monero.
Using the graphical and correlation analysis,
hypothesis 1 is accepted. It can be concluded
that bitcoin has a large inuence on crypto-
currencies market.
Hypothesis 2: Positive correlation between
bitcoin and the main stock exchange indexes
In this section, the linear correlation be-
tween bitcoin and the six most important
stock exchanges is calculated to test if bit-
coin has any inuence on the European or
the US market using the data provided by
Yahoo Finance in its section World Indexes.
This research considers 1,274 observations
(close price in USD) from January 1st, 2013
to February 28th 2018.
All the correlations are positive and signi-
cant at least at 0.05 level (table 5). The hi-
ghest correlation coefcient is between bit-
coin and DJI (0.787). Otherwise, the lowest
correlation coefcient is evidenced between
bitcoin and IBEX 35 (0.182). However, this
index (IBEX 35) presents low correlation
values with all other considered values.
It can be concluded that bitcoin is related to
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
the main indexes in the American and Eu-
ropean markets, although its volatility does
not seem to inuence these markets. It is
necessary to mention that all the considered
indexes, except bitcoin, maintain a high de-
gree of positive correlation between them;
specially the US market indexes that have
correlation coefcients greater than 0.95
showing the strong relationship that stock
exchanges have between them.
The hypothesis 2 is accepted using the gra-
phical and quantitative analysis and conclude
that bitcoin has a correlation with the stock
exchange indexes in the long term, but it is
not stronger than the relationship between
the main cryptocurrencies and bitcoin.
Hypothesis 3: Positive correlation between
bitcoin and the main commodities
The analysis is performed with 1,299 obser-
vations (close price in USD) from January
1st 2013 to February 28th 2018. The data
source is Investing, section Commodities.
Hypothesis 3 is rejected since the linear co-
rrelation coefcients are lower between bit-
coin and the considered commodities (table
6). The obtained results show a minor linear
correlation between bitcoin and commodi-
ties. The correlations between bitcoin, silver
and crude oil WTI are negative. However,
the degree of correlation between the varia-
bles is less than 0.2.
On the other hand, the analyzed commodi-
ties have a strong correlation between them,
especially silver and gold, with values hi-
gher than 0.9.
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
This study conducted a global analysis of the
bitcoin situation since its appearance in the
nancial market. The graphical analysis and
empirical evidence showed that the volatility
of bitcoin prices and its speculative power
are the main characteristics of this virtual
currency. In addition, a correlation analysis
was performed to test the three proposed
The study indicates that hypothesis 1: positi-
ve correlation between bitcoin and the main
world cryptocurrencies, can be supported.
It has been proved that there is a strong co-
rrelation between bitcoin and other crypto-
currencies in the long-term. The graphical
evidence also shows that cryptocurrencies,
including bitcoin, have similar trends during
the considered period. Bitcoin is the most
stable digital currency and it is often the me-
chanism that investors access to the crypto-
currency market.
Hypothesis 2: positive correlation between
bitcoin and the most important stock ex-
change indexes, is accepted. The dynamic
price of bitcoin has a relationship with the
uctuations in the stock exchange indexes;
however, it is not as strong as the relations-
hip between the main cryptocurrencies and
bitcoin. The graphical analysis displays di-
fferent patterns between bitcoin and stock
exchange indexes. Besides, stock exchanges
indexes show a strong relationship between
them maintaining a high degree of positive
Hypothesis 3: positive correlation between
bitcoin and the main commodities, cannot
be supported. The results show a low linear
correlation between bitcoin and the three
analyzed commodities. Actually, commo-
dities have a stable price index during the
considered period, while bitcoin is highly
This paper provides several directions for
future work. First, an interesting approach
is to focus on analyzing the short and long-
term relationship between bitcoin and cryp-
tocurrencies and stock exchange indexes
used in this study. Second, this manuscript
could be replicated by improving the statis-
tical techniques and employing other cryp-
tocurrencies and stock exchange indexes
to demonstrate the validity of the achieved
results. Third, different time series techni-
ques can be applied to predict the behavior
of cryptocurrencies.
REVISTA CHAKIÑAN, 2018, Nº.5, AGOSTO, (54-72)
ISSN 2550-6722
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